
Asana of the Month: Padahastasana

Padahastasana - Hand-to-foot pose

Sanskrit: Pada - foot, Hasta - hand, asana – pose

Padahastasana helps to develop patience and dedication. Physically, this pose mainly affects the digestive system. Furthermore, the entire backside of the body is stretched.


  • Level: Beginner / Advanced
  • Duration: a few seconds to 5 minutes
  • Repetition: up to 5 rounds if the pose is held for only a few seconds
  • Stretches: back, legs, spinal nerves
  • Strengthens: spinal nerves
  • Chakra: Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)


♥ Massages the digestive organs

♥ Helps with constipation and flatulence

♥ Stimulates the metabolism

♥ Improves concentration

♥ Helps with throat and nose problems

♥ Weight loss (when practiced dynamically)

♥ Helps with mild depression



♦ Severe back injuries

♦ Slipped disc

♦ Sciatica

♦ High blood pressure

♦ Hernia

♦ Acid reflux


Instructions for Padahastasana

  1. Stand upright with the legs together and the arms next to the body. Relax the body. Distribute the weight evenly on both legs. That's the starting position. Inhale.
  2. Exhale and lean forward slowly. Start with the head by bringing the chin to the sternum. Then bend the upper body. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang loose. As you lean forward, you imagine the body has no bones or muscles. Do not strain
  3. Place your fingers under or beside your feet. If this is not possible, bring your fingertips as close to the ground as possible. Relax the neck. The body is completely bent forward, the knees are stretched through and the forehead almost touches the knees.
  4. Hold the final position for as long as it is comfortable for you and breathe calmly and deeply.
  5. Breathe in and slowly return to the starting position. Relax before you make the next round.


The science behind Padahastasana

Padahastasana is one of the 84 basic postures of Hatha Yoga. The dynamic variation of Padahastasana is position 3 and 10 in sun salutation (Suryanamaskara) as well as position 3 and 12 in moon salutation (Chandranamaskara).

This posture is ideal for people who sit a lot as it stretches the entire back side of the body from the heels to the neck. It also calms the mind and balances the nervous system.
Energetically, Padahastasana mainly affects the Swadhisthana Chakra (sacral chakra) and thus promotes creativity and motivation. It also helps with fatigue and mild depression as it reduces tamas.

Note: Yoga beginners should first learn all yoga practices from a competent teacher and then practice alone.

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