Chakrasana (Wheel Pose): How To Practice, Benefits And Precautions

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose): How To Practice, Benefits And Precautions

Wheel Pose: Modifications And Tips To Perform Chakrasana

Written by Tavishi Dogra |Updated : June 17, 2022 4:46 PM IST

Chakrasana is also commonly known as Wheel Pose. The Sanskrit name 'Chakrasana' is derived from the Sanskrit words chakra and asana, where 'chakra' stands for 'wheel' and 'asana' stands for 'posture' or 'seat'. Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana is known as the Full-Wheel Pose and Upward Bow Pose. This is a back bending pose that opens up the chest, tones the thighs, abdomen and arms, and activates the whole body. Himalayan Siddha, Akshar (Founder, Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre) shares everything about the Wheel Pose.

How To Perform Chakrasana?

Here's a step-by-step run-through of the pose Chakrasana (Wheel Pose):

  1. Lie down on your back
  2. Fold both legs and bring your feet closer to the pelvis. Keep your feet and knees parallel
  3. Place both palms beside your head, next to your ears, and underneath your shoulders, fingers are turned towards the legs.
  4. Inhale and lift your pelvis; you can first place the top of your head down.
  5. From there, lift your head and pelvis as you straighten your hands and legs as much as possible.
  6. Press your feet into the ground as you straighten your legs, raising the pelvis and abdomen off the mat, activating your inner thighs.
  7. Put more weight into your palms, as this will protect your lower back.
  8. Keep the neck relaxed; breath normally by inhaling and exhaling

Modifications And Tips

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  1. Don't go directly into this pose. Try some warmup poses for your lower body and back
  2. If you want to modify it, use a pair of blocks for the stretch if you feel uncomfortable with the back bend.
  3. You can start by placing your head down first before trying to straighten your arms
  4. It's also helpful to use a wall initially if you are a beginner to this pose.

Benefits Of Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

  1. Eyesight becomes sharp
  2. It stimulates the endocrine glands and maintains the body metabolism at an optimal level
  3. It enhances the purification and circulation of blood and gives peace and clarity to thoughts, and removes tiredness

Precautions for Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

  1. Warm up your body thoroughly first
  2. Women should avoid practising Chakrasana during pregnancy.
  3. If you suffer from heart problems, don't try this pose.
  4. If you suffer from a headache, Diarrhoea, and carpal tunnel, then don't try this pose.
  5. Avoid performing Chakrasana if suffering from a hernia.