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Illuminate Your Garden with Proven WinnersBRILLIANTINA™ Abelia; Unleash a kaleidoscope of colors and textures with this low-maintenance wonder.


Eye-catching Foliage: BRILLIANTINA™ Abelia stuns with a vibrant blend of green, yellow, and orange leaves, making it a showstopper in any garden. Unlike other variegated abelias, its colors hold strong, resisting reversion.


Neat and Tidy Habit: No more unruly growth! BRILLIANTINA™ boasts a compact, dense form that requires minimal pruning, thanks to its resistance to wild shoots.


A Touch of Elegance: Dark red stems add a touch of sophistication and contrast, further enhancing the plant's visual appeal.


Fragrant Blooms and Buzzing Life: Delicate white flowers grace the branches in summer, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies, adding fragrance and animation to your outdoor space.


Adaptable and Resilient: This versatile shrub thrives in various soil conditions, including alkaline and clay, making it perfect for diverse gardens. Strong roots and fast growth ensure success for both novice and experienced gardeners.


Deer-Resistant Delight: Rest assured, your precious BRILLIANTINA™ Abelia will be safe from browsing deer, a common garden woe.


Multi-season Performer: Its interesting foliage provides year-round appeal, while heat tolerance guarantees its beauty throughout the summer months.


Transform your garden into a vibrant oasis with BRILLIANTINA™ Abelia. Order yours today and watch your landscape flourish!

BRILLIANTINA™ Abelia: Dazzling Foliage, Easy Care for Your Garden Oasis

SKU: HH0405

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