Arch Linux: My Journey and Insights

Yashwant Singh 🐧
System Weakness
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2023


  • In this article, we will cover one of the most famous Linux distributions available on the web called Arch-Linux. It is believed among the tech community, that Arch Linux users are considered to be smug with their anime girl profile picture. Well I assure you, that I am not one of them.

The Arch Way - K.I.S.S.

The Arch Linux philosophy, also described as “The Arch Way”, is in general summarized as being K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid), as Mr. Dwight Schrute says.

Dwight Schrute — Assistant to the Regional Manager.

If I had to describe Arch in few words: Simplicity, Code-correctness over convenience, User-centric, Openness, and Freedom.

To apply these words in reality, a user must have advanced knowledge and experience with Linux, thus making it obvious that Arch Linux is clearly not for beginners. But not to worry, if you are a beginner, I would highly suggest to use distribution which are based on top of Arch Linux, such as Manjaro.

Who is Arch Linux for?

For those who love opensource softwares, and have some experience with Linux, with the desire to use a super-customizable Linux distribution. All those wanting the latest software when it is released, and everyone wanting to end up with a system customized to their needs and wishes, Arch Linux is the way to go.

Installing Arch-Linux

Installation of Arch can be considered quite hectic if you lack patience. Since, this distribution is so flexible, you will have to build the entire distribution for yourself, including the installation of Linux-kernel. If you don’t know what a Linux kernel is, think of it like a engine that runs your car.

You can download the “Arch Linux ISO file” from the link above and use a tool like “Balena Etcher” to flash it into a USB drive. After that, you can boot into it while restarting your computer, like it always happen but you won’t get a GUI (Graphical User Interface) just yet, instead you’ll get a terminal. Generally, the GUI makes it easier for people to install an operating system, while a terminal is scary for most of the people. But, personally it was fine for me, since I love the terminal. Then, you can begin with the installation.

Installation of Arch is quite elaborate, that I won’t be able to cover it in this article. Instead I would like to suggest this “YouTube video”, I found really helpful in my installation, but if you do get in any trouble, I would suggest you use “Chat GPT”, the “Official Arch Installation guide” and the “Arch Wiki”.

If everything goes well, and you do manage to install Arch Linux, you’ll have an operating system like this too.

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On a personal level, Arch Linux was a challenge for me. I have tried Kali Linux, Fedora, Parrot OS, Manjaro and Windows. Generally, I get bored with operating systems, but Arch opens a lot of possibilities, I can literally build my own operating system on it.

I believe the most effective way to learn and understand how the infamous Arch Linux works is through abstraction — a fancy way of saying that you can ignore most of the details that make up a piece that you’re trying to understand, and concentrate instead on its basic purpose and operation.

I have decided to use Arch Linux as my personal operating system for my day to day activities while simultaneously using Kali Linux as my hacking machine in dual boot. Both of them are considered to be absolute beast in their respective departments.

At last, I would like to remind you all that, I use arch.

Btw, I use Arch 🤭.

Be safe, be secure and happy hacking :)

