What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect The First Week Of January

Let the magic unfold!

What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect The First Week Of January GeoImages, Savanevich Viktar | Canva Pro

Beautiful dreams and extraordinary visions don't materialize in one day. What can you do right now to take another step towards your goals? That's the energy of this week, between January 1 - 7, 2024, for all the Chinese zodiac signs.

This week's iChing hexagram is Earth over Fire (#36), and it eminds us that life and luck will periodically boost our morale and give us reasons to hope. If we cannot sustain the same when everything is silent, then what's the point?


In fact, the advent of a new year is one such period where everything feels bright and hopeful. On the second and third days, we slowly slide back into our old habits and procrastination.

Don't let that be your story. Challenge yourself to take each day of this week — the first week of the New Year 2024 — as a battleground of sorts. Push yourself to show up each day even when you don't want to. Slowly ... it won't be as hard after a while. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for January 1 - 7.

Here's what each Chinese zodiac sign can expect in their horoscopes at the start of the 2024 new year.


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)


General Overview:

The energy this week has a "do it yourself" feel to it for you, Rat. So set your mind on what's important and stay focused on it. You are very close to turning things around for you.

Lucky Day in Love: January 5

In matters of the heart, the beginning of the week will be a bit bland for you. The weekend promises to introduce you to someone special (if you are single) or give you the perfect opportunity to make merry with your bae.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

Be careful of who you lend money to this week. You may not receive it back. If the sum is small and will help a friend in dire need, then that's a different matter altogether.


Lucky Day for Career: January 2

Your work life this week will be a bit bland and routine. Soldier through it to the best of your ability and let your leisure time be the one to wait for with glee.

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(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, the universe will be sending you some important messages this week. You are about to enter a cosmically significant period of life and this will help you prepare for it. So be on the lookout for signs and synchronicities!

Lucky Day in Love: January 3

In love, don't play with your own heart. As in, don't choose a person or go back to an ex who has repeatedly exhibited red flag behaviors. You must be your own best friend this week (and in all the others).


Lucky Day in Friendship: January 4

Your social circle is also being highlighted this week. Strengthen your bonds with those who genuinely care for you, and don't try to impress the rest. It's not worth it.

Lucky Day for Career: January 5

Something intriguing will happen in your work life this week. It can be a new colleague who looks like a movie star or a new opportunity that promises to take you to the next level. Be mindful and you will have the best experience in this regard.

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(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, one phase of life is coming to an end now and another will begin soon. So have patience and show compassion to yourself as you slowly inch through this transition period. You must have your own back!


Lucky Day in Love: January 7

In love, you are being reminded to uphold your principles and not turn a blind eye to foundational incompatibilities. It will make sense in the long run when you eventually are with your true soulmate.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

You may not socialize as much as usual this week. That's okay. Spend this time on self-care activities and recharge your soul.

Lucky Day for Career: January 3

In your career, try to listen more this week, especially from those who are juniors or considered to be less experienced. Creative ideas can come from anywhere!

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(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, if you feel the need to pull away from people and take care of your soul's needs, don't apologize for it. Set those boundaries this week and prioritize your well-being.

Lucky Day in Love: January 5

In love, you are being urged to step out of your comfort zone and let your creative side take over. The more wacky an idea seems, the more potential it has to turn things around in your love life in a good way!

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 6

If you feel called to, arrange a brunch or dinner date with your best friends sometime this week. Then, plan for a group vacation later this year. It's time to check things off your bucket list!


Lucky Day for Career: January 7

Your work life may be a bit boring, but try to make the best of what you have. Make sure you aren't dragged into other people's drama!

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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, the energy this week promises to heal your heart if you allow it. So, let the cosmic forces take over and be receptive. Engaging ideas, soulful insights and deep healing await.

Lucky Day in Love: January 6

In love, you are urged to think about the role age and power play in romantic relationships. It's time to open your eyes wide and not let social media or #zaddy memes influence you.


Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

Some of you will really benefit from reaching out to your school friends this week who you haven't spoken to in a while. Let the nostalgia be a balm for your soul. Plus, it's the perfect time to wish everyone well for the New Year!

Lucky Day for Career: January 2

If you are on your way out of an old job, take some time out this week to prepare for the new one. Things are going to pick up pace soon, and it's always great to be proactive.

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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, it's time to move to bigger and better things and to start new adventures. You are currently in an fated period astrological with regard to this, so don't waste it!


Lucky Day in Love: January 3

In love, you will benefit from journaling about your past relationships and failed romances this week. Be honest with yourself and focus on how you may have contributed to the end, whether by not listening to your gut, ignoring red flags or exhibiting red flag behavior yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 4

You are also encouraged to spend more time with your friends this week, especially if you don't get to hang out very often. Something surprising is in store for all of you when you do.

Lucky Day for Career: January 7

Your work life won't be very significant this week, but that's okay. Take this time to plan and prepare for the months ahead. You'll succeed, believe it.


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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, the energy this week is excellent for making a personal resolution and pledge to yourself, especially if you tend to sabotage your happiness or have allowed self-esteem problems to drag you down in the past.

Lucky Day in Love: January 7

In love, some of you are wasting precious time with the wrong person while the right person grows sad, looking everywhere for you. You'll know if this message is for you if that instantly makes you nod your head and say yes or gives you a sudden feeling of relief.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 2 & 3


Also, try to listen more than speak this week in your social engagements. Interesting ideas and beautiful stories await you if you can do this.

Lucky Day for Career: January 4

Some of you are in line for a promotion or a big jump in your pay. Stay steady and allow your intuition to guide you forward. Patience will help you win the day!

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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, this week is going to be cosmically significant for you in more ways than one. So don't be surprised if you come across signs and synchronicities or bump into a new soulmate or two!

Lucky Day in Love: January 5


In love, focus on your long-term needs this week and engage with your romantic partner or dates with that in mind. You'll immediately know who's compatible with you and who will ruin your happy ever after.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

Also, some of you may need to reconsider some of your friendships at this time. We are the average of the people we surround ourselves with and some of the ones in your circle are dragging you down intentionally.

Lucky Day for Career: January 7

Your work life will be absolutely amazing this week! Expect smooth undertakings, better teamwork and raised spirits.

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, the energy this week has a sweet and whimsical quality to it for you. If you feel the urge to watch old cartoons from your childhood or eat something that reminds you of your mom's love, don't hold yourself back.

Lucky Day in Love: January 7

Some of you are about to meet a significant soulmate in love, either this week or in the ones coming soon. Pay attention to the signs! You'll know where to go and who to interact with to allow fate to bring your mate to you.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

Interestingly, some of you are also about to experience some challenges in the weeks ahead. The universe wants to test your mettle. Have you got it in you to succeed?


Lucky Day for Career: January 2 & 3

In your work life, be more cognizant of the needs and desires of the people you work with. It will help you build your team better and also identify problems before they occur.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:


Rooster, the energy this week is sweet and beautiful for you. It's the New Year, after all! So, if you feel the urge to embark on a brand new adventure, now's the time to do so.

Lucky Day in Love: January 7

In love, you may experience some triggers and memories from the past this week. Allow them to come to the surface so you can heal yourself and move forward with greater strength and purpose.

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 2 & 3

Your social life may not be as hot and happening this week, but that's okay. Take this time to check in with yourself and indulge in self-care activities. Who knows? You may love a new haircut, too!

Lucky Day for Career: January 5


The universe is giving you a blank slate in your career this week. So, let your creative side come out and play. You are the captain of your ship, and it's time to chart a course that resonates with your soul.

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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, you are in for a treat this week! Some of you are literally about to experience a cash windfall. Others are on the verge of meeting their soul tribe.

Lucky Day in Love: January 5 & 6

If you are happy about the loving relationships in your life, find some time this week to do a gratitude ritual. You can light a white candle and express your thanks for all these beautiful blessings.


Lucky Day in Friendship: January 7

If you feel called to, let your generous side come out this week and engage with others more charitably. Listen to those who need an ear or a shoulder to cry on, help a friend in need or do anything else that feels right to you.

Lucky Day for Career: January 7

If you often feel restless in your career, now's also a good time to reconsider the path forward and if you want to get some higher education.

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, the energy this week is excellent for setting intentions and kicking off the law of attraction in your favor. So, focus on your top priorities and be extra specific about what you want to manifest.


Lucky Day in Love: January 3

Your love life may be a little slow this week, but that's okay. Quality over quantity is the name of the game. Pay attention to the details!

Lucky Day in Friendship: January 5

You also need to be careful of peer pressure this week and other social influences. Some of you are vulnerable to getting gaslit under the name of friendship.

Lucky Day for Career: January 7

If your work life has toxic elements, now's the time to journal your true feelings about this area of life and think about solutions to the problem. You can wear a clear quartz pendant, too, to help you gain more clarity as the days continue.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.