The Kunsthaus Graz (Graz, Austria)

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February 20, 2015

One of best examples of European architectural undertakings is The Kunsthaus Graz or Grazer Kunsthaus, located in Austria. Built as part of the European Capital of Culture celebrations in 2003, the museum has since become a true landmark of Graz. Its exhibition program specializes in contemporary art of the last four decades. Its unusual form differs radically from conventional exhibition contexts, many of which maintain the traditions of the modernist White Cube. The team of architects working on the museum used the innovative type of architectural design called blob architecture. It refers to a wavy and curvy design without traditional edges or traditional symmetric form. Therefore, the enormous building by its creators Colin Fournier and Peter Cook the Friendly Alien, consciously stands out against the surrounding baroque roof landscape with its red clay roofing tiles but nevertheless integrates the façade of the 1847 iron house. Besides the creative exterior, The Kunsthaus Graz also has an innovative concept – it doesn’t collect and maintains no permanent exhibitions. Its only purpose is to present and procure contemporary art productions.

Featured images via Wikipedia

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