I was there when Bill Wyman dated Mandy Smith. My guilt haunts me

As a new documentary about the Rolling Stones bassist is cancelled by a film festival, Lesley-Ann Jones recalls how he used her to cover up his relationship with an underage girl

Bill Wyman and Mandy Smith in London in 1989, shortly before their marriage
Bill Wyman and Mandy Smith in London in 1989, shortly before their marriage
The Times


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Some memories torment us, despite our best efforts to forget them. My guilt is hinged to the things I never said, but really should have.

Because I knew a grown man who was having sex with a child. He was, in those days, my friend. His girlfriend was under the age of consent. The law on this in the UK is clear: if an individual over 18 engages in sexual activity with a person under 16, he or she can be charged with a criminal offence, which may result in a 14-year prison sentence. I was aware of this at the time, but I did nothing.

Although we have grown accustomed to the paunch, the sagging chins and the silver hair, the octogenarian former Rolling