An illustration of two blonde women dressed in blue sitting on chairs with a microphone hanging between them. The background is black, and blue flowery shapes and squiggles that look like speech bubbles surround them
Wenjia Tang

There’s No Time for Small Talk in Middle Age

“It really is the most unexpected thing that you can meet some of your best friends in your 30s. I thought that ship had sailed," Jessica St. Clair said of her friendship with fellow actor June Diane Raphael.
Illustration of two men sitting on a yellow background, their shadows stretch out long behind them and the shadows are made of flowers
Wenjia Tang

How 1 Friend Can Change the Course of Your Life

“Judo found my house for me in Seattle. Judo gave me all my initial friends [there]. Judo introduced me to my girlfriend, who I live with currently. Judo introduced me to a guy who eventually helped me get my job.”