6 Things Every Girl Should Know About Poop

From odor to color.
This image may contain Confectionery Food Sweets Cookie and Biscuit

We already know that the gut is the human body's second brain, and what we eat can impact everything from stress to depression. Well, here's another reason why you should pay attention do your digestive system: 70% of your entire immune system is located in your gut. That said, keeping track of what you put in your body isn't the only way you can judge your health. It's also about what's coming out of your body.

So, we talked to registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Deborah Malkoff-Cohen on the basics every girl should know about her bowel movements.

General Appearance

"Most bowel movements are our body’s way of excreting waste from the body," she says. "Look for poo that’s a soft, uniform consistency; easy to expel; and typically brown. Bile, excreted by the liver, which aids in fat digestion, is what makes poop brown. I always have my clients look at their poop before flushing! What you do NOT want: watery stool, little rabbit pellets, foul, toxic–smelling poo…you all know what I am talking about."


"Everyone’s body is different when it comes to how often you poo," she says. "Diet can play a huge role; if you are eating a lot of fibrous foods and are a fruit and veggie lover you’ll likely poop more than someone who eats a diet of mostly processed foods (which take longer to digest). Some people go multiple times a day and others go only twice a week. As long as you are not straining to go and aren’t bloated I wouldn’t be concerned."


"The color of your stool can change based on what you’ve eaten, illness, etc. Beets for example can turn your poop red and dark leafy green veggies can add a greenish tinge," she explains. "Seeing blood in the toilet after straining is totally different and likely the result of constipation. If you see a white or clay-colored poo it can be related to medications you are taking like birth control pills, some antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory agents like ibuprofen. If your stool is black, it could be from medications like Pepto Bismol, iron supplements, or a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding."

Size and Shape

"A 'log' appearance is the ideal shape," Deborah says. "Seeing poop in pieces, very loose stools, or little balls in the toilet means your digestive system is not working optimally."

Reasons for Constipation

"My first question is 'are you adequately hydrated?'" she says. "Sorry but soda, juice, and chocolate milk do not really count. I am talking plain water. The rule of thumb is take your weight and divide by 2 — this is how much you need to drink daily. So for a 120 pound person, aim for 60 ounces. Do you really need to drink 60 ounces? No, but do not stop at 20 ounces. It is just a starting point.

"I recommend all my clients buy a refillable water bottle and replenish during the day. If you like disposable water bottles, find the ounces and know how many bottles you need to drink to reach your goal. I keep a 32-ounce refillable water bottle at my desk and I aim to hit the water cooler three times before I leave at the end of the day."

"A highly processed diet [can cause constipation]. If you cannot understand the ingredients on the food label, how is your digestive system supposed to operate at its best? Not eating enough fiber [is also a culprit for constipation]. Most Americans eat 10 to 15 grams of fiber a day; it is recommended to consume 25 to 35 grams to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Iron supplements can also be a constipation trigger."

Your Skin"If you suffer from skin/acne issues and do not poo regularly, they may be connected," Deborah warns. "Seventy percent of your immune system is located in your gut and since your skin is your largest organ it can be a sign of how well your digestive system is working. The longer poop stays in your body more toxins get reabsorbed (instead of being excreted) and may show up as blemishes. It’s not always the case, so if you think your diet may contribute keep a food record and see if you taking in enough water, fiber fruits, vegetables, and few processed foods. Sometimes just changing your diet can make a difference in poop frequency and can result in more clear, beautifully glowing skin."

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