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7 Women Reveal Why They Love Their Wrinkles

Cherie Corsopinterest
Cherie Corso

Botox, shmotox. Not everyone goes in search of a needle the moment they realize they have a line or two. In fact, some people embrace them. These women share why they love their wrinkles. (The 21-day plan in Love Your Age is the life-changing reset every 40+ woman needs!)

"Every time I look at them, I reflect on a life well lived."

Roberta Perry
Roberta Perry

"The older I get, the more I need a good magnifying mirror to put my makeup on. But staring me right in the face are those creases and crinkles, those little lines that feather out and the '11,' as I lovingly call the deep indents between my eyes. Every time I look at them, I reflect on a life well lived and that I'm still living. I think about all the adventures I've had and the joys and sorrows I have experienced. I make natural scrubs and skin care, so I obviously love taking care of my skin. However, I will never have surgery or get injections, because I never want to get rid of the wisdoms in those creases."
—Roberta Perry, 54, Bethpage, NY

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"We can choose to hide or get rid of them, or we can choose to embrace them."

Alexandra I. Levin
Alexandra I. Levin

"We all have wrinkles. We can choose to hide or get rid of them, or we can choose to embrace them. Here is why I am in love with my wrinkles, and why I invite you to fall in love with yours.

I got my first wrinkle at 19. I was an only child of doting parents; I was protected and taken care of. Our family had attempted to leave communist Russia for 13 years and the government consistently refused. Twice a year we applied for exit visas, and twice a year we were denied. Then, at 19, I was unexpectedly given permission to leave Russia—but on my own, without my parents. Fast forward 3 months, and I found myself on a plane leaving Leningrad. I was feeling desperately alone in the world, terrified, and not knowing if I'd ever see my parents again. That is how I got my first wrinkle

At the same time, I learned how strong I really was, that I was capable beyond my own imagination, that I could do anything. I received that lifelong insight out of the most devastating experience of my teenage years. I am definitely keeping that wrinkle."
—Alexandra I. Levin, 48, Long Beach, CA

"They are part of my facial expressions, and therefore part of me."

Sandra Cemulini
Sandra Cemulini

"I started noticing lines a couple of years ago, around my eyes and lips. I need reading glasses, so I don't see very well close up, but I was in a hotel that had one of those magnifying mirrors. At first it was a bit of a shock, realizing that I was starting to look my age. My daughters later suggested I get Botox for the lines on my forehead, but I won't. It just isn't that important to me. They are part of my facial expressions, and therefore part of me. I like to stay well groomed and hope to age gracefully."
—Sandra Cemulini, 57, New York City and Florence, Italy

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"My wrinkles tell the truth."

Helena Collins
Helena Collins

"I have had lines across my forehead since I was in the second grade. I have discovered over the years they come and go with my mood. I love my wrinkles because they act as a window to my inner self, how I am really feeling, physically, mentally, and emotionally. So often we put on a facade to the world and ourselves, wanting to show a 'good face' to please other people with the perception of our happiness. But is it the truth?

My wrinkles tell the truth. When I am low, so is my face. When I am overtired, so is my face. When I am ill, so is my face. And when I am happy and at peace, my face glows. In a world where we push ourselves beyond endurance for the approval of others, my face is always truthful. It's a tool I will never be willing to give up."
—Helena Collins, 52, Hopkinton, MA

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"To deny or not accept the lines on my face would be to not accept who I've become."

Beth Grossman
Beth Grossman

"When I first noticed the lines, my reaction was, 'Who is this person? Why haven't I noticed what's been going on?' Then I thought that was very unkind. I would never say that to another person; how could I do that to myself? What I realize now—I couldn't have said this 6 months ago—is that they are an important part of who I am. Just as my arms and legs are a part of me, so are the lines on my face. 

Life is an evolution and things change. I'm a different person than I was 30 years ago or even 5 years ago. To deny or not accept the lines on my face would be to not accept who I've become. Most days, when I look at myself in the mirror, I appreciate who I am and how I've evolved. I wouldn't trade places with anyone."
—Beth Grossman, 59, New York City

"Now I love my laugh lines."

Cherie Corso
Cherie Corso

"I always had squinting smile lines, but over the years they became more defined. My first realization and self-conscious moment was when I was doing a photo shoot when I was 39, and the 19-year-old makeup artist looked at the hair person and pointed to my wrinkles with shrug, like 'Eeek! How am I going to cover these?' The hair person said 'It's OK; she's a mother.' I felt it is what it is. Now I love my laugh lines. I look at my face and the lines remind me of happy times. I love my smile lines because I love what they symbolize. I'm not numb to life!"
—Cherie Corso, 52, Westchester, NY

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"They reveal my joys and sorrows."

Cherie Corso
Cherie Corso

"My wrinkles show I have lived a lot of life—a full and rich life at that. They reveal my joys and sorrows. I am proud of my life and consider my wrinkles my badges of honor, the medals I have earned. Sometimes I feel a bit wistful, because they also remind me of my mortality. But I was kind of in awe and excited by seeing the first signs of aging in my face." 
—Cindy Joseph, 65, Cold Spring, NY

Headshot of Celia Shatzman
Celia Shatzman

Celia Shatzman (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor who has penned stories on topics ranging from beauty to fashion, travel, celebrities, health, entertainment, finance and more. A graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, she is a beauty and style contributor at Forbes and her work has appeared in New York, Cosmopolitan, WWD, ELLE, Conde Nast Traveler, Afar, Travel + Leisure, Women’s Health, Marie Claire, Byrdie, Refinery29 and NYLON, among others. 

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