DishingWell: Meet New Blogger Liz Tigani


Here's my first post: How busy bees help your health.

A little about my background...I'm a licensed clinical social worker and made the transition into nutrition a few years ago. I often get asked what compelled me to migrate from social work into the food world; in hindsight, I think my path was leading me in this direction all along, but I'd say one of the more concrete reasons was witnessing the profound effect that diet had on my clients' health as well as my own.

After struggling with some health issues in my early 20's and recovering through dietary changes (namely becoming gluten-free), I was convinced that food is medicine and became passionate about pursuing this further. I became a licensed health coach through IIN, earned my natural food chef certification at the Natural Gourmet Institute and am currently in graduate school earning my nutrition degree to become a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS). During this time I also discovered my love of research and writing and started my blog and wellness website, You can also find my weekly articles on

I live in southern Westchester with my husband, two cats, Oscar and Lulu, and a baby on the way! My hope is that one day soon we can grow our own vegetables year round and maybe even make room for a few chickens - I'm a firm believer that eating fresh eggs is on the list of life's best things. In the meantime, I've been working on expanding my knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, where during the school year I lead farm tours for the K-12 educational programs. Other passions include any kind of live music event, photography, jewelry-making, travel, cooking, wine, spending time outdoors and with family and friends - particularly ones that can tell a good joke.

I'm excited to share what I learn along the way!