"I dream my painting, then I paint my dream."​ - Van Gogh
Does your professional life feel like The Scream or the Starry Night?

"I dream my painting, then I paint my dream." - Van Gogh

Does your professional life feel more like the Starry Night or The Scream? Or something else?

What if manifesting more of what it is you truly want from those dreams is just a matter of having a chance to learn more about yourself?

When I didn’t like the results I was getting in my life, I learned, sometimes in hard ways, that I was going to have to change me because they were my own results. I had to find something out about myself I didn’t realize before in order to make the changes necessary. Too often, we end up only looking for all the answers outside of ourselves, and so we’re never going to find what it is that we really need. Bob Proctor once said, “Because we lack awareness and understanding of who we are, we’re totally locked into a physical world and we let outside things control us.“

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Whether we are in a degree program or in a job, we often end up only doing things in the ways we see everyone else doing them. Most degree programs essentially copy those of other institutions; my second corporate job only resulted from the new company copying the old company. Rare is it that we ask, “Do these people really know what they’re even doing?” Moreover, we definitely don’t ask often enough, “Is there a better way to do it?” To quote many friends and colleagues, so much of the protocols and expectations for those, particularly in the arts, is just “made-up stuff!” So why not just make up some of your own stuff too? If you worry about doing things differently and making waves, just know that human beings are designed to make a few waves. So stand out. Dare to be different, as Proctor also said, “not for the sake of being different, but because we are all different.”

If we can create an image of something in our minds, we can find a way to turn it into a reality of some sort in the physical world. The Wright Brothers manifested the act of flying, Edison created the lightbulb, and even Dr. Ingo Titze created Pavarobotti, a robotic recreation of the human voice––in honor of the late Luciano Pavarotti. So what’s actually keeping so many of us from really having more of the artistic and teaching or other correlative professional careers we desire and deserve to have as creative beings? Despite being told I’d never sing in an opera, never get my doctorate, never make a living as an artist, never be a successful entrepreneur, I nonetheless stayed true to myself and found ways to make them happen. You can too! Form the image of yourself becoming a prosperous person, and you will you find ways to become the prosperous person the world needs you to be! 

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Decide exactly what it is you want, and start to think about how you can make it happen. When negative thoughts come to your mind of why you can’t, just reject those thoughts in the same default manner we too often get rejected in the audition circuit and job market. Thinking of why you can’t won't ever help you, but if you keep thinking of how you can, something good will manifest itself. Take a moment right now if you can to just sit down, relax, breathe, close your eyes, and really start to visualize with vivid details in your mind of what it is you really want; relate it to something specific. What do you truly wish to perform, where and for whom? See yourself living your life and having your career in the way you most desire. 

Dream that painting, and when you are ready to start painting that dream, send me a message; I would love to help you find your way. Check out the flyers below to two of my program offerings, for which there is still availability starting this fall!

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Learn more from my profile or check out www.thelucrativeartist.com or www.thelucrativeleader.com Thank you!

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