Head Injury in a Car Accident
LexInter | June 19, 2022

Tips to Lower the Risk of Head Injury in a Car Accident

Getting a head injury in a car accident is certainly no fun experience – even if you walk away relatively uninjured, your wallet can take a significant hit. But in the midst of a car accident, your wallet is the least of your concerns – your head is the more immediate concern.

While car safety features have come leaps and bounds in the modern era, there are still some ways you can increase your crash safety beyond the manufacturer’s built-in mechanisms.

In this article, we’ll share with you some tips on lowering the risk of head injury in a car accident.

Have multiple airbags

Common Car Accident Injuries

Airbags aren’t only able to be installed in your steering wheel. You can also install curtain, or side airbags, to reduce the risk of head injuries that come from side impact collisions. Combined with seatbelts, the steering wheel, and door-mounted airbags can keep you safe from multiple angles.

While it’s not common, airbags are known to sometimes fail. This is especially true if they’re defective and aren’t maintained properly. So, if you’ve been involved in a car accident and sustained injuries, you should be represented by an injury attorney – especially in the case of faulty airbags or other vehicle malfunctions. With them by your side, you can improve your odds of getting fair compensation for your injuries and other associated losses.

Moreover, it’s essential to know that filing a car accident claim to seek compensation can be tricky without the assistance of an experienced legal professional. Hence, if you need a car accident lawyer in Tulsa or wherever you may be, who has the necessary experience, expertise, and skills, you may find one by seeking recommendations from family and friends or conducting a thorough search online.

Install foam padding on your dashboard

To protect your head from a traumatic brain injury in a head-on collision, you should install a bit of foam padding on the dashboard. While most dashboards are already made from polycarbonate or other materials, you can add an extra layer of protection yourself.

You can purchase strips of memory foam, and layer them along your dashboard for a bit of added padding. This is especially useful if you drive an older car model, when ridged dashboards with jutting edges are often present.

Install a five-point harness seat belt

Suffering In A Car Accident

The three-point harness seat belt is the most commonly used restraint system because it offers a balance between driver comfort and protection. However, this comes at a price – while you have more mobility to reach over and change the radio station, you’ll also bounce around a lot more, relatively speaking, during secondary impacts.

Five-point harness systems are most commonly seen on race car drivers, who are driving at high speeds around the track. However, they can also be used in passenger vehicles. While you’ll be sacrificing a bit of mobility, you’ll gain a lot more security.

If a five-point harness is too restrictive for you, consider a four-point instead. It’s still safer than a three-point restraint.

Wear a half-helmet, and maximize your head-restraint safety

“Wear a helmet in your car? That sounds ridiculous,” you might think to yourself. Nobody does that (except racecar drivers). But why not? In fact, numerous studies over the years have shown that motorist helmets would significantly reduce the risk of head injuries in car accidents, by around 50%.

So why don’t we wear helmets while driving cars? Because they don’t look cool, and nobody else does it. Hey, if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?

What are Car Accident Laws

But this doesn’t mean you should go out and purchase a heavy, full-face helmet like for motorcycle riders. In fact, the added weight of a heavy helmet could be dangerous to your neck and spine. So go with the lighter half-helmet option, like a simple bicycle helmet.

Final tips for preventing head injury in a car accidents

Most of these suggestions should give you a clear understanding of how to reduce your chances of a head injury while driving. However, here are a couple more tips to help you avoid crashing in the first place:

  • Keep your focus sharp, particularly when changing lanes or making turns.
  • Observe the allowed speed limit in your area. Individuals who drive beyond the speed limit are more likely to cause a car accident and sustain more severe injuries.
  • Make sure the vehicle is maintained correctly. Inspect the tires and the tire pressure. Ensure the lights and the windshield wipers are in perfect working condition.
  • Be aware of other drivers on the road. This way, you can drive defensively if another person maneuvers the car unsafely.
  • Sit far away from the steering wheel, about 10 inches or further.
  • Avoid texting or changing the radio in the midst of traffic. This is because distractions like them may keep you from being in your best driving shape. So, ensure you only look at the road safely to avoid a sudden hazard.
  • Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as it can impair your driving. In this situation, it’s best to let a friend drive for you or call a ride-hailing car to bring you home.
  • And be sure to wear your seatbelt!

Check out our blog to read more articles written on car accident law, train accident law, slip and fall accident law, and other branches of US law.

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