me, Myself & I michelle smith de bruin, barrister and former Swimmer

'I am a fighter and always want to win. These traits don't go away once you finish your sporting career'

Michelle de Bruin and Bill Clinton

Alison O'Riordan

The book that changed my life

Unfortunately, I have little time to read these days, but one of my favourite books is 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. It remains one of the classics and is a book that every law student should read.

The quote that keeps me sane

'Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur', or 'better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt'.

The best advice I've ever received

'If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.' That was the advice given to me by my husband when he became my coach and started to change the way that I trained prior to winning three gold medals at the Olympic Games.

The film I've watched again and again

I have always been a bit of a film buff. I studied Communications (film and television) at university in the United States before doing law some years later. It was in the US that I first saw the film 'Citizen Kane'. It may have been made more than 70 years ago, but it is still viewed by many as the greatest film ever made.

The song I want played

at my funeral

'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life'. I am not a proponent of grumbling about life's gristle. Be positive and do something about it.

The scent that evokes pleasant memories

The smell of freshly baked bread. I was given a recipe for quick brown bread some years ago and it is simply delicious.

The picture that is worth a thousand words

I have a photo of myself with Bill Clinton, which was taken at the Atlanta Olympic Games (1). I am dressed in my Irish track gear and it was a proud moment.

The item that takes pride of place in my wardrobe

None. However, I would not be without a pair of black stilettos. We are confined, as barristers, to wearing black. Shoes, perfume and nail varnish are some of the only things that distinguish us from our male colleagues.

The sentimental piece of jewellery

My engagement ring. I also have a very nice gold bracelet, which was a gift from the Aga Khan.

The gadget that I can't live without

My mobile telephone and my laptop. My mobile phone is a necessity for my job as I am often on the road and need to be contactable. My laptop is a workhorse.

The item I'd save in a fire

My children's artwork (2), which we have saved since they started school.

The characteristic I like

most in myself

I am a fighter and always want to win. This is one of the characteristics that helped me to achieve my goals as a swimmer. These traits don't go away once you finish your sporting career and I have had many clients who chose me to represent them as they say that they know that I will fight for them (and I do).

And least

I always want to win! Not always a handy trait at the Bar, because sometimes the facts are simply stacked against you.

My first kiss

I really can't remember, which means that it probably was not very memorable.

The last time I cried

No idea.

It was the best of times . . .

My favourite memory is the moment that I touched the wall at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, and realised that I was an Olympic champion.

It was the worst of times . . .

My husband and I had the cutest cat, which we brought from Ireland to Holland and back again to Kilkenny. One day, I received a call from a neighbour telling me that he had seen a cat on the road, which he thought to be ours. Sure enough, she had been knocked down and I will never forget carrying her back up the road to the house.

The person I call when things go pear-shaped

Simple. My husband.

My death-row dinner

I was invited to New York following the Olympic Games and had dinner one evening in the Waldorf Astoria. I remember eating steak and I have never had a nicer steak since. Otherwise, I am a fan of Tex-Mex.

My pet peeves

I am something of a pedant. Headlines (in newspapers) which are not grammatically correct drive me mad.

My four-legged friend

We have always had cats (3) and currently have two, Ginger and Sandy, who think that they are our other children.