Easy And Effective Facial Exercises For Wrinkles

Posted on Jun 28, 2021, 22:23 IST
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Benefits of Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Infographic

Wrinkles i.e. fold in your skin, usually appear on the face by the late 20s to the mid-30s. With age, your skin produces less collagen and elastin, proteins that are essential for keeping your skin looking and feeling plump, taut, elastic, and youthful. Less protein makes the skin thinner and prone to damage, with several other factors chiming in to make fine lines and wrinkles more pronounced. While facial exercises for wrinkles can help diminish their appearance, it’s important to not overdo these as repeated muscle movement is one of the major causes of wrinkles in the first place.

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles
Image: Shutterstock

You can turn to facial massages, yoga techniques, simple face exercises for wrinkles to give your skin some extra care. Read on to understand how facial exercises for wrinkles work and also make note of the easy ones mentioned here.

Benefits Of Facial Exercises For Wrinkles
Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Eyes
Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Mouth
Facial Exercises For Wrinkles On Forehead
FAQs: Facial Exercises For Wrinkles

Benefits Of Facial Exercises For Wrinkles

Benefits Of Facial Exercises For Wrinkles
Image: Shutterstock

Unlike the muscles in the rest of the body, a lot of the 50+ different muscles in the face are rarely used. Regular face exercises can work these muscles, promote blood circulation, replenish the cells with oxygen and nutrition, stimulate skin cell regeneration, helping the skin look naturally radiant and youthful.

Also, check out this infographic to understand the reasons for facial wrinkles.

Causes For Facial Wrinkles

 Take the causes for wrinkles into consideration and opt for a holistic approach to make your skin look youthful.

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Eyes

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Eyes
Image: Shutterstock

Since the skin around the eyes is thinner than that on the rest of the face, it tends to show signs of aging first, in the form of wrinkles and fine lines. Give your eye area some TLC with these exercises.
  • Exercise 1

Keeping your jawbone firm, move both eyes from right to left, left to right, top to bottom, and bottom to top. Repeat this exercise five times in each direction to prevent wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Exercise 2

To exercise the muscles around the eyes and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, place your thumbs on the outer corners of your eyes and your fingers on the top of your head. Close your eyes and squeeze tight. Meanwhile, using your thumbs, pull the outer corners of your eyes outwards and slightly upwards. Hold this position for about 5-10 seconds, relax and do 10-25 reps.

Tip: Prevent wrinkles while sleeping by sleeping on your back or reduce damage by using a memory foam pillow or silk pillowcase.

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Mouth

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles Around Mouth
Image: Shutterstock

Laugh lines, or wrinkles around the outer corners of the mouth, are so-called because they’re most visible when you smile or laugh. Check out these facial exercises for wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Exercise 1

Keeping lips partially separated, use your fingers to pull the corners of the mouth back towards the face. Pull as far as possible while making sure lips stay parallel to each other. Hold the position for 10 seconds, relax and do 10-25 reps.

You can also do this exercise without using your hands. Simply keep your mouth closed and smile as fully as you can. Hold the position for 10 seconds, relax and do 10-25 reps.
  • Exercise 2

Target the orbicularis oris muscles which help control puckering and in closing the mouth. Use your index fingers to hook the corners of your mouth. Pull towards the outside about a quarter inch from resting position. Simultaneously, apply resistance with your fingers and tighten the mouth muscles, pulling in the corners of your mouth. Hold this position for about 5-10 seconds, relax and do these facial exercises for wrinkles for 10-25 reps.

Facial Exercises For Around Mouth
Image: Shutterstock
  • Exercise 3

To strengthen the cheek muscles and reduce laugh lines, apply pressure to the wrinkles around the mouth using the tips of your index fingers. Now, smile as wide as you can while keeping the lips separated. Hold the position for about 5-10 seconds, relax and repeat 15-30 reps.

Tip: Prevent wrinkles from forming around your lips by not using straws to drink beverages, staying hydrated, and limiting caffeine and alcohol intake and smoking.

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles On Forehead

Facial Exercises For Wrinkles On Forehead
Image: Shutterstock

Studies suggest that deep forehead wrinkles can be a reflection of unhealthy lifestyle factors like diet and stress. While you upgrade your daily routine, also do these exercises for forehead wrinkles.

  • Exercise 1
Increase muscle tone in your forehead with these simple exercises. Place your little fingers directly above your eyebrows and other fingers spread lightly covering your forehead and the front part of your head. Raise and lower your eyebrows as you would if you were surprised, making sure no creases are forming on the forehead. Repeat facial exercises for wrinkles 10 times.
  • Exercise 2

Another facial exercise for wrinkles involves interlocking your fingers and placing your wrapped hands just behind the hairline on your forehead. Pull your forehead back a little, purse your lips to make an ‘O’, and look downwards. Hold this position for 10 seconds, relax and repeat 20 times.

Tip: Manage stress and be conscious of how often you wear a frown on your face!

Wrinkles Free Facial Exercises
Image: Shutterstock

FAQs: Facial Exercises For Wrinkles

Q: What are the best foods for wrinkles and fine lines?
A: These are the best wrinkle-fighting foods:
  • Avocados, flaxseed, soybean for omega-3 fatty acids
  • Seeds like black sesame and pumpkin seeds for skin-beautifying nutrients
  • Brazil nuts and low-fat cottage cheese for selenium
  • Legumes and eggs for protein
  • Dark leafy greens, peppers, oranges, papaya, and strawberries for vitamin C
  • Olive oil, whole wheat, almonds, kale for vitamin E

Foods for wrinkles and fine lines
Image: Shutterstock

Q: What are some home remedies for facial wrinkles?

A: Give these DIY skincare remedies a try:
  • Massaging the face with coconut or almond oil
  • Applying aloe vera gel on the skin
  • Applying whisked egg white on the skin
  • Using mashed banana or cucumber as a face pack
  • Dabbing raw milk onto skin using a cotton ball

Home remedies for facial wrinkles
Image: Shutterstock

Q: How can I prevent wrinkles and fine lines on the face?

A: Wrinkles and fine lines are a normal part of aging, but you can take preventive measures as below:
  • Keep the skin moisturized always; use moisturizer even if you have oily skin, just use one that suits your skin type.
  • Always put on sunscreen before stepping out in the sun; use one that offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays to avoid skin damage and collagen thinning.
  • Eat a healthy diet and stay adequately hydrated.
  • Limit or avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid habits like frowning, clenching teeth, etc. repeatedly.
  • Find the most relaxed expression for your face by taking a few breaths to relax and looking at yourself in the mirror. Strive to hold this relaxed pose at all times instead of your everyday resting face which likely involves a furrow.

Also Read - 12 Easy To Do Facial Workout Exercises To Tighten Skin
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