Britain is set for a dazzling display of autumn colour this year and it could be our most extraordinary yet, Forestry England predicts.

The rainy weather in March lay foundation for a fantastic leaf display as it provided plenty of moisture to the soil, prompting healthy and substantial growth.

March's lower-than-average sunshine could have negatively affected autumn colour, but September's heatwave put photosynthesis back on track

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Wayne Gerard Trotman / 500px//Getty Images

"The reduced sunlight will have influenced the process of photosynthesis during the beginning of spring but plenty of sunshine since has meant a good growing season for the nation’s forests, helping them build up plenty of the sugars which produce the stunning autumn reds, golds and oranges as they are absorbed back into the tree," says Forestry England.

"Instead of following the usual pattern, the weather experienced in early spring could lead to a more gradual and enchanting shift in leaf colours this autumn, creating a beautiful mix of colours that are truly one-of-a-kind."

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Laszlo Podor//Getty Images

We may be waiting a little longer for autumn colour to peak this year, as the high temperatures experienced at the beginning of September could delay the onset of autumn.

Forestry England explain this is because “colour changes in tree leaves take place as the days become shorter and evening temperatures cool, with the green chlorophyll in the leaves starting to disappear, exposing yellow and orange hues.”

Want to soak up the season? Here's a list of beautiful displays in the UK. It's a lovely time for a staycation, too, at one of these recommended destinations.

The autumn artisan edit
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