Not sure anything can come close to the wholesome old folks rom-com that was The Golden Bachelor, but Joey Graziadei can try, I guess! Joey's Bachelor era is officially upon us, which means we're about to endure weeks of tennis-themed puns about this man finding "love" on the "court." Not to mention weeks of non-stop drama by the looks of an extremely extra trailer. Like, ABC is fully out here with montages of Joey weeping alone in various parks set to a voice-over of Jesse Palmer barely containing his excitement when he says, "What happens in the end is an unprecedented shocking first in Bachelor history." Pretty sure what happens in the end is...Joey deciding between several contestants per usual, but okay!!!

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Regardless of the "unprecedented" and "shocking" ending though, Joey clearly forms a lot of intimate connections that have him deep in his feelings—including with Maria Georgas. And while there are a lot of juicy spoilers at the end of this article about how far Maria makes it (there's a big warning first, so spoilers easy to avoid if you prefer to remain pure), let's get to know Maria a bit first.

Maria Is a (Former?) Actor

Canada-born Maria is an actor with an IMDb page and everything, and she apparently starred in a Vin Diesel movie called The Pacifier.

the bachelor
Courtesy IMDb

Despite her acting past, ABC lists 29-year-old Maria's current profession as "Executive Assistant."

She's Over Situationships

As ABC's bio writer (hello, old friend) notes, "Maria is a bold, outgoing woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and go for what her heart wants. The Canadian beauty is so done with short-term flings and situationships, and she’s ready to settle down with her perfect match."


A Psychic Told Her Joey Was the One

No, like, this is an actual (perfect) sentence in her bio:

"Lucky for Maria, a psychic reading recently left her thinking that Joey could be her future husband. Time will tell if the psychic’s foresight was right."

Officially obsessed with Maria, nothing can top this, rooting for her always.

the bachelor abc
Richard Middlesworth

She's Into Horror

In addition to loving a "big plate of spaghetti," Maria’s interests include an "obsession with horror movies," (though she "hopes Joey won't leave her ghosted"). I mean, loving horror is a perfect vibe for this show, which we can all agree is terrifying at the best of times <3 <3 <3.

Maria Has a Black Belt in Taekwondo

In other words, she can kick Joey's ass if it comes to it. Aside from that, Maria's "fun facts" include "loves a good disposable camera photo shoot" and "dreams of eating sushi in Japan." Noted!

She's Super Close to Her Dad

Maria's dad makes a ton of appearances on her Insta—and family also happens to be super important to Joey, so they'll definitely connect on this!


She's Involved in Some Drama

According to Reality Steve, Maria was involved in a group talent show date (wow, no thank you) and got into it with Madina Alam. "It had to do with initially Madina being self-conscious about her age, she was one of the older ones on the show," Steve reports. "Maria made a comment about it that Sydney heard, so she told Madina and Maria had issue with Sydney."

Wondering How Far Maria Makes It?

She's sent home after Hometown Dates. At least according to Reality Steve, who has a pretty good track record when it comes to these things.

We combed through the trailer to try to find signs of Maria and Joey's breakup, and the below screen grab *could* be him asking her "is this it?" before sending her home. But honestly, TBD, because all we see is the back of her head.

a man and woman

Already bummed to know Maria leaves the show early, but there's always Bachelor in Paradise or The Bachelorette. Meanwhile, if you want to find out who won Joey's entire season before it even airs, we have you covered over this way: