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Throughout history, gemstones have captivated human beings with their beauty and allure. Among these enchanting gems, Moonstone stands out for its ethereal glow and mysterious charm. With its captivating play of light and lustrous surface, Moonstone has captured the imaginations of cultures worldwide for centuries. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the mesmerizing world of Moonstone, exploring its meanings, healing properties, and the various colors that make it even more captivating.

What Is Moonstone? Moonstone Meaning Historical Meaning: A Gem of Love and Protection Rainbow Moonstone Meaning: Embracing All Colors of the Spectrum Black Moonstone Meaning: Unveiling Inner Strength White Moonstone Meaning: Illuminating the Path of Clarity Peach/Yellow Moonstone Meaning: Embracing Joy and Optimism Blue Moonstone Meaning: The Tranquil Calm of the Sea Pink Moonstone Meaning: Nurturing Love and Compassion Star Moonstone Meaning: A Celestial Connection Green Moonstone Meaning: Harmonizing with Nature Gray Moonstone Meaning: The Essence of Yin Energy Moonstone's Healing Properties and Benefits Feelings and Emotional Healing: Embracing Inner Peace Mind: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence Body: Embracing Healing Energies Spirit: Connecting with the Divine Moonstone Uses & Metaphysical Properties Wearing Moonstone  Moonstone at Home Moonstone at Work Meditation with Moonstone People and Relationships Moonstone Crystal Therapies Moonstone and Chakras Moonstone Beauty Products Moonstone Intimate Accessories Moonstone Gem Water Moonstone Shapes and Forms Round and Moonstone Spheres: Timeless Beauty Oval: Graceful Elegance Pear: The Teardrop of Radiance Square: Bold and Modern Marquise: Elegance with a Twist Rectangle: Timeless Symmetry Mixed Shapes and Cuts: Unconventional Beauty Moonstone Found with Other Minerals/Crystals Orthoclase: The Moonstone Sister Amazonite: A Soothing Combination Sunstone: The Fusion of the Sun and Moon Andesine: The Multicolored Delight Moonstone Crystal Combinations: Enhancing Magic and Balance Pair Moonstone with Merlinite: Unleash the Inner Wizard Pair Moonstone with Golden Yellow Labradorite (Clear With a Strong Tone): Illuminating the Path Pair Moonstone with Orange Sunstone (Sparkling): Radiate Joy and Optimism Pairing Moonstone with Sunstone: Balancing Yin and Yang Pair Moonstone with Amber, Black Tourmaline, and Jade: Grounding and Protection Moonstone Origin: A Gift from Mother Nature Moonstone Birthstone and Zodiac Sign: June's Luminous Gem Moonstone Energy Color: A Kaleidoscope of Hues How Do I Care For Moonstone? How to Cleanse Moonstone? How do I program Moonstone? What does Moonstone represent? Are there any adverse effects to wearing moonstones? Are Moonstones Rare? How Do I Tell If Moonstone Is Real? Can Moonstone Get Wet? What Color Is Moonstone? What Does Moonstone Symbolize? Where Does Moonstone Come From? How Much Is Moonstone Worth? What Chakra Is Moonstone? What Does Moonstone Help With? How To Polish Raw Moonstone? How To Charge Moonstone? Geological Properties Where Can I Buy Moonstone?

What Is Moonstone?

Moonstone is a mesmerizing gemstone belonging to the feldspar mineral family. It derives its name from its captivating resemblance to the moon's luminous glow. This phenomenon, known as adularescence, occurs due to the gem's unique internal structure, which scatters light in a captivating and iridescent manner. This otherworldly play of light is the hallmark of Moonstone's charm.





Moonstone Meaning

Throughout history and across cultures, Moonstone has been regarded as a stone of mystery and femininity. Often associated with the moon and lunar energies, Moonstone is believed to symbolize intuition, balance, and divine feminine energy. Its association with the moon has led to the belief that it can enhance one's emotional intelligence and psychic abilities, providing a soothing effect on the wearer.

Historical Meaning: A Gem of Love and Protection


In ancient civilizations, Moonstone was considered a sacred gem and believed to possess protective properties. In India, Moonstone was considered a stone of love and devotion and was often exchanged as a token of affection between couples. In ancient Rome, it was believed to bring love and harmony to marital relationships.

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning: Embracing All Colors of the Spectrum

Rainbow Moonstone, a variety of Moonstone, exhibits a stunning display of colors, resembling a rainbow. This captivating gem is believed to carry all the energies of the different moon phases, making it a potent stone for embracing change and new beginnings.

Black Moonstone Meaning: Unveiling Inner Strength

Black Moonstone is a rare and powerful variety known for its grounding and protective energies. It is believed to reveal one's inner strength, fostering resilience and a deeper connection with the earth's energies.

White Moonstone Meaning: Illuminating the Path of Clarity


White Moonstone, the most common variety, is revered for its ability to enhance intuition and offer clarity in decision-making. It is said to guide one through the ebbs and flows of life, like the gentle glow of the moon guiding sailors through the night.


Peach/Yellow Moonstone Meaning: Embracing Joy and Optimism


Peach or Yellow Moonstone is associated with joyful energies and optimism. It is believed to infuse one's life with positivity, encouraging creativity and self-expression.

Blue Moonstone Meaning: The Tranquil Calm of the Sea

Blue Moonstone evokes the tranquility of the sea and is associated with emotional healing. It is believed to bring peace and serenity, calm turbulent emotions, and foster emotional balance.

Pink Moonstone Meaning: Nurturing Love and Compassion

Pink Moonstone is a stone of love and compassion, believed to strengthen the heart chakra and promote empathy and understanding. It is associated with nurturing energies, and providing comfort and support during times of emotional distress.

Star Moonstone Meaning: A Celestial Connection

With its captivating asterism or star-like pattern, Star Moonstone is believed to facilitate a connection with the celestial realms. It is associated with spirituality and higher consciousness, inspiring a deeper understanding of the universe's mysteries.

Green Moonstone Meaning: Harmonizing with Nature

Green Moonstone is linked to the energies of nature and the earth. It promotes harmony and balance, fostering a deeper connection with the environment and the natural world.

Gray Moonstone Meaning: The Essence of Yin Energy

Gray Moonstone represents the essence of yin energy, embodying receptivity, intuition, and introspection. It is associated with the moon's calming influence, encouraging self-reflection and emotional healing.

Moonstone's Healing Properties and Benefits



Moonstone is cherished not only for its captivating appearance but also for its various healing properties and benefits. It is believed to aid in hormonal balance, alleviate stress, and enhance fertility and reproductive health. Moonstone is also associated with promoting restful sleep and easing emotional tension.

Feelings and Emotional Healing: Embracing Inner Peace

Moonstone's gentle energies are believed to soothe emotional turmoil, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional healing and inner peace. It encourages emotional expression, allowing individuals to process and release pent-up feelings.

Mind: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

Moonstone's association with the moon and its feminine energy is believed to influence the mind profoundly. This mystical gem enhances emotional intelligence, fostering a deeper understanding of feelings and emotions. By wearing moonstones or meditating, individuals may find themselves more attuned to their inner thoughts, leading to greater self-awareness and improved decision-making.

Body: Embracing Healing Energies

Moonstone's healing properties extend to the physical realm, making it a valuable gemstone for the body. It is believed to aid in hormonal balance, particularly for women, alleviating menstrual discomfort and regulating cycles. Additionally, Moonstone is thought to relieve stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Spirit: Connecting with the Divine

Embodying lunar energies, Moonstone is revered for its spiritual significance. It is believed to facilitate a connection with the divine and the celestial realms, encouraging higher consciousness and spiritual growth. Meditating with Moonstone can help individuals access their inner wisdom and gain insights into life's mysteries.

Moonstone Uses & Metaphysical Properties

Moonstone's versatility extends to its various uses and metaphysical properties. From enhancing intuition to promoting emotional healing, Moonstone is a potent tool for holistic well-being.

Wearing Moonstone 

Adorning oneself with Moonstone jewelry allows the wearer to carry its energies close to the body throughout the day. Moonstones should be handled carefully, protected from harsh chemicals, and cleaned regularly to preserve their luster and vibrancy.


Moonstone at Home


Introducing Moonstone into the home can infuse the space with its soothing energies. Placing Moonstone in the bedroom promotes restful sleep while it fosters harmonious energies and emotional balance in the living room.

Moonstone at Work

Bringing Moonstones to the workplace can enhance focus and creativity. Its calming properties can help reduce stress and increase productivity during busy days.

Meditation with Moonstone

Incorporating Moonstone into meditation practices can deepen the spiritual experience. Holding a Moonstone in your hand or placing it near the meditation space can create a serene environment.

People and Relationships

Moonstone is celebrated for its influence on relationships. It is believed to enhance empathy, compassion, and understanding, making it a valuable tool for improving communication and fostering emotional connections.

Moonstone Crystal Therapies

Crystal therapies with Moonstone involve placing the gem on specific body areas to promote healing and balance. These treatments can be administered by professionals or used by individuals for their own well-being.

Moonstone and Chakras

Moonstone is thought to align with several chakras, including the Crown, Third Eye, and Sacral chakras. It is believed to facilitate energy flow through these centers, promoting spiritual awareness and emotional harmony.

Moonstone Beauty Products

The allure of Moonstone extends to beauty products that harness its energy. From Moonstone-infused facial mists to gemstone rollers, these products enhance skin radiance and promote emotional well-being.

Moonstone Intimate Accessories

Moonstone's association with love and sensuality has led to its incorporation into intimate accessories. Moonstone-adorned jewelry and accessories are believed to enhance intimacy and emotional connections.

Moonstone Gem Water

Gem water infused with Moonstone is a popular wellness trend. Drinking Moonstone gem water enhances emotional balance and encourages emotional healing from within.

Moonstone Shapes and Forms


Moonstone has various shapes and forms, including tumbled stones, cabochons, and spheres. Each profile is believed to amplify specific energies and intentions.

Round and Moonstone Spheres: Timeless Beauty

The classic Round and Moonstone Spheres are perhaps the most iconic cuts, showcasing the gem's captivating adularescence in all its glory. The smooth, rounded shape complements the gem's ethereal glow, evoking a sense of timelessness and mystery.

Oval: Graceful Elegance

The Oval cut accentuates Moonstone's lustrous surface and highlights the play of light across the gem. The Oval Moonstone exudes elegance and sophistication with its elongated shape and graceful curves.

Pear: The Teardrop of Radiance

The Pear cut, also known as the Teardrop cut, is a fusion of the Round and Marquise shapes. This enchanting cut showcases the gem's play of light at one end, resembling a sparkling teardrop of radiance.

Square: Bold and Modern

The Square cut, also known as the Princess cut, brings a modern touch to Moonstone's traditional charm. With its clean lines and bold angles, the Square Moonstone emanates contemporary allure.

Marquise: Elegance with a Twist

The Marquise cut exudes regal elegance with its elongated shape and pointed ends. This unique cut enhances Moonstone's radiance, making it a captivating choice for jewelry designs.

Rectangle: Timeless Symmetry

The Rectangle cut combines the elegance of the Emerald cut with Moonstone's celestial allure. The symmetrical lines create a striking balance between the gem's play of light and the straight edges.

Mixed Shapes and Cuts: Unconventional Beauty

Moonstone comes in various mixed shapes and cuts for those seeking unique and unconventional beauty. From asymmetric designs to custom cuts, these Moonstones captivate with their distinctive and one-of-a-kind allure.

Moonstone Found with Other Minerals/Crystals

Moonstone's allure takes on new dimensions when found in combination with other minerals and crystals. These unique formations create enchanting gemstones with mesmerizing properties.

Orthoclase: The Moonstone Sister

Orthoclase, often called Moonstone's sister, shares similar properties, including adularescence and iridescence. Orthoclase offers an alternative to traditional Moonstone with its delicate glow and lustrous surface.

Amazonite: A Soothing Combination

When Moonstone and Amazonite unite, they create a soothing and harmonious gemstone. Amazonite's calming energies complement Moonstone's intuition-enhancing properties, making this combination a powerful tool for emotional healing.


Sunstone: The Fusion of the Sun and Moon

Sunstone, with its fiery appearance, perfectly complements Moonstone's lunar charm. The fusion of the Sunstone's warm hues with the Moonstone's cool glow creates a mesmerizing gem that balances masculine and feminine energies.

Andesine: The Multicolored Delight

Andesine, a gemstone in various colors, sometimes displays a Moonstone-like adularescence. This captivating combination of colors and shimmering light creates a gemstone of unparalleled beauty.

Moonstone Crystal Combinations: Enhancing Magic and Balance

Combining crystals can amplify their individual properties, creating a harmonious symphony of energies. When Moonstone and Labradorite come together, they form a magical duo that enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and emotional balance.

Pair Moonstone with Merlinite: Unleash the Inner Wizard

Merlinite, also known as Dendritic Opal, is a stone of magic and mysticism. When paired with Moonstone, this combination can awaken one's inner wizard, encouraging the exploration of hidden truths and the realms of the subconscious.

Pair Moonstone with Golden Yellow Labradorite (Clear With a Strong Tone):


Illuminating the Path

With its striking golden hues, Golden Yellow Labradorite complements Moonstone's lunar energies. This combination is believed to bring clarity to one's life's path, illuminating the way with a warm and empowering glow.

Pair Moonstone with Orange Sunstone (Sparkling): Radiate Joy and Optimism

The combination of Moonstone and Orange Sunstone infuses an aura of joy and optimism. This sparkling duo encourages creativity, self-expression, and a sense of radiant happiness.

Pairing Moonstone with Sunstone: Balancing Yin and Yang

When Moonstone and Sunstone unite, they create a harmonious balance of yin and yang energies. This combination fosters a deep sense of harmony and emotional equilibrium.


Pairing Moonstone with Amethyst Crystals, Titanite, Gabbro, Moldavite, and Pietersite: Unlocking Spiritual Insights

Combining Moonstone with Amethyst, Titanite, Gabbro, Moldavite, or Pietersite can enhance one's connection to the spiritual realm. This powerful combination unlocks profound insights and fosters spiritual growth.


Pairing Moonstone with Angel Phantom Quartz, White Beryl, Axinite, Kyanite, and Staurolite Fairy Cross: Embracing Angelic Energies

When paired with Angel Phantom Quartz, White Beryl, Axinite, Kyanite, or Staurolite Fairy Cross, Moonstone invokes angelic energies. This combination invites divine guidance and protection into one's life.

Pair Moonstone with Amber, Black Tourmaline, and Jade: Grounding and Protection

Combining Moonstone with Amber, Black Tourmaline, or Jade brings grounding and protection energies. This powerful trio shields against negative influences and fosters a sense of security.


Moonstone Origin: A Gift from Mother Nature

Moonstone is a variety of feldspar minerals adored for their unique adularescence. This captivating play of light results from light scattering within the gem's internal structure. Moonstone is found in various parts of the world, including Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Madagascar, and the United States.

Moonstone Birthstone and Zodiac Sign: June's Luminous Gem

Moonstone holds a special place as June's birthstone, representing love, fertility, and new beginnings. It is associated with the zodiac signs of Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio, imbuing them with lunar energies and intuition.

Moonstone Energy Color: A Kaleidoscope of Hues

Moonstone's energy color varies depending on its type, ranging from milky white to peach, gray, and even rainbow hues. Each color has its own unique properties and symbolism.

How Do I Care For Moonstone?


Caring for Moonstone involves protecting it from harsh chemicals, scratches, and sharp blows. It is advisable to remove Moonstone jewelry before engaging in physical activities.

How to Cleanse Moonstone?

To cleanse Moonstone, immerse it in a bowl of water mixed with sea salt for a few hours. Alternatively, smudging with sage or palo santo can clear the gem's energy.

How do I program Moonstone?

To program Moonstone with specific intentions, hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize your desired outcome. Focus your thoughts and choices on the gemstone.

What does Moonstone represent?


Moonstone symbolizes feminine energy, intuition, and emotional balance. It is often associated with the moon, spirituality, and divine feminine qualities.

Are there any adverse effects to wearing moonstones?

While Moonstone generally brings positive energies, some individuals may experience sensitivity to its vibrations. It is essential to listen to your body and limit exposure if any discomfort arises.

Are Moonstones Rare?

Moonstone is not considered rare, but high-quality, gem-grade Moonstones with excellent play of light can be relatively rare and valuable.

How Do I Tell If Moonstone Is Real?

Authentic Moonstones display a distinct adularescence or play of light. The gem should exhibit a shimmering glow when held under a light source.

Can Moonstone Get Wet?

Moonstone is relatively soft and porous, making it susceptible to damage from water. It is best to avoid prolonged exposure to water to preserve its luster and beauty.

What Color Is Moonstone?

Moonstone occurs in various colors, including white, peach, gray, and rainbow hues. The most common variety is milky white with a captivating blue adularescence.

What Does Moonstone Symbolize?

Moonstone symbolizes intuition, emotional balance, and femininity. It is often associated with the moon, new beginnings, and psychic abilities.

Where Does Moonstone Come From?

Moonstone is found in various locations worldwide, including Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Madagascar, and the United States.

How Much Is Moonstone Worth?

The value of a Moonstone depends on its quality, size, color, and play of light. High-quality, gem-grade Moonstones can command higher prices.

What Chakra Is Moonstone?

Moonstone is often associated with the Third Eye and Crown chakras. It is believed to enhance intuition, spiritual insights, and higher consciousness.

What Does Moonstone Help With?

Moonstone is believed to help with emotional healing, intuition, fertility, hormonal balance, and enhancing psychic abilities.

How To Polish Raw Moonstone?

To polish raw Moonstone, use a soft cloth or a lapidary polishing wheel. Avoid harsh chemicals that may damage the gem's delicate surface.

How To Charge Moonstone?


Moonstones can be charged under the full moon's light or the sun's gentle rays. This process helps renew its energy and amplify its properties.

Geological Properties

Moonstone's geological properties stem from its feldspar composition and the unique arrangement of its internal structures, resulting in its enchanting play of light.

Where Can I Buy Moonstone?

Moonstone is widely available at reputable gemstone retailers, jewelry stores, and online marketplaces. When purchasing Moonstone, ensure it comes from a reliable source and is accompanied by proper certification. At BeadsofCambay stand by our products and the quality of our stones. Come to Beads of Cambay for all your jewelry and gemstone needs!




August 28, 2023 — Arun Yadav