Milk Tea vs. Bubble Tea

Milk tea and bubble tea are both popular treats that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Although these two names are often used interchangeably, there are some differences between them. Want to learn more about milk tea vs. bubble tea? Keep reading to discover different varieties that are available!

Bubble tea vs. milk tea - what should you know about them?

Before we dive into the differences between milk tea and bubble tea, let's clarify some of the terminology. 

Bubble tea is also known as boba tea or pearl tea. Originally, the “bubble” in bubble tea refers to the foam created on the top after shaking and mixing the drink. Nowadays, many refer to bubbles as Pearls or Boba. It’s typically a tea based drink with toppings added to it.

Milk tea, on the other hand, is a tea-based drink that is made with milk. Therefore, it is a category under bubble tea.

milk tea vs bubble tea

The main differences between bubble tea and milk tea

The difference between bubble tea vs. milk tea is that bubble tea can refer to any tea based beverage with or without topping, milk tea is strictly tea drink combined with creamer or milk. Bubble tea can then be shaken to create the characteristic foam on top with the addition of topping. Milk tea, on the other hand, is made by steeping tea leaves in hot water and adding milk or creamer and sugar to taste.

Another difference between bubble tea vs milk tea is the texture of the drink. Bubble tea can have more texture if toppings are added, while milk tea is typically just a tea drink with milk.

Types of bubble tea and milk tea offered by Sharetea

Sharetea is a popular bubble tea chain store that offers a wide variety of bubble tea drinks including milk tea selections

Some of the most popular milk tea flavors available in our range include:

  • black milk tea

  • mango green milk tea

  • coffee milk tea

  • honey milk tea. 

These drinks are all made with high-quality ingredients and fresh milk of your choice.

In addition to milk tea, Sharetea also offers a variety of bubble tea drinks like:

  • taro ice blended with pudding

  • strawberry ice blended with lychee jelly

  • peach mojito

As you can see, there are plenty of options to choose from to ensure that everyone finds bubble tea or milk tea tailored to their preferences.

Why should you try our drinks?

Bubble tea offers a unique and delicious drink experience and are a great way to treat yourself. There are many different flavors and toppings available to ensure that everyone can find an option that will spoil their taste buds.

If you’re looking to try bubble tea or a specific flavor of milk tea for the first time, Sharetea is a great place to start. Our drinks are made using only high-quality ingredients to ensure that you can enjoy your tea. Choose a flavor that appeals to you the most and see why people from across the world love bubble tea so much!

Check the menu and select an option tailored to your needs!

Be sure to also check bubble tea vs smoothie.


Bubble Tea vs. Boba - What's the Difference?


Where to Get Boba Tea?