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  5. 10 Natural Remedies To Treat Rosacea

Does your face appear flushed and seems like you are blushing without any reason? Have you observed tiny bumps resembling acne in the affected areas? Don’t panic! Many people experience similar signs and symptoms which indicate the onset of rosacea. A type of skin condition, rosacea can be managed and treated with medications and several other treatments [1].

Scroll down to know more about the types and symptoms of rosacea, and how to diagnose, treat and prevent rosacea with home remedies and Ayurvedic treatments.

What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a type of skin disorder which results in visible blood capillaries and redness in your face. This is a common skin condition that may impact any individual, irrespective of age or gender. However, the skin condition is highly prevalent in women in their 30s and 40s with a light complexion.

Rosacea may give rise to pus-filled, red, small bumps on the affected areas. The symptoms of rosacea may continue to appear for several weeks and months, before disappearing for some time. The skin condition is often mistaken as ruddiness, acne or other skin issues.

It is important to know that there is no permanent cure for the skin condition; however, treatment and management may control and minimize the symptoms.

The onset of rosacea usually begins with a sudden flushing or blushing! The redness becomes noticeable with time.

What Does Rosacea Look Like?

Rosacea causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. It is characterized by tiny red pimples and fine red vascular lines on the facial skin.

Types Of Rosacea

As per dermatologists, there are primarily four types of rosacea. These are as following:

Type I: Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea

woman showing rosacea on her cheeks

The subtype of rosacea, also known as ETR, is responsible for causing symptoms like visible blood capillaries, flushing, and redness on your face.

Type II: Papulopustular Rosacea

early rosacea on a woman's face

The second subtype is responsible for causing breakouts on your face which resemble acne. This affects women in their 30s and 40s.

Type III: Rhinophyma

elderly woman with skin condition rosacea

The third subtype is a rare skin condition which leads to skin thickening in and around the nose. This subtype of rosacea is highly prevalent in men, and is often accompanied with another subtype.

Type IV: Ocular Rosacea

woman with severe case of rosacea

As the name suggests, the fourth subtype affects the skin in and around your eye area.

Symptoms Of Rosacea

The signs and symptoms of rosacea vary from one subtype to another. These are classified as under.

Symptoms Of Subtype I

  • Scaly, rough, and dry skin
  • Burning and stinging sensation
  • Sensitive skin
  • Swollen skin
  • Visible blood capillaries
  • Redness and flushing of your face in the central area

Symptoms Of Subtype II

  • Raised patches on the skin
  • Damaged blood capillaries which are visible
  • Sensitive skin
  • Oily skin
  • Deep red skin along with acne-like bumps

Symptoms Of Subtype III

  • Damaged blood capillaries which are visible
  • Large and open pores
  • Thick skin on the ears, cheeks, forehead, and chin
  • Thick skin in and around the nose
  • Bumpy skin on the affected area

Symptoms Of Subtype IV

  • Damaged blood capillaries on the eyelids
  • Affected vision
  • Cysts on the eyes
  • Heightened photosensitivity
  • Itchy and dry eyes
  • Stinging or burning sensation in and around the eyes
  • Watery and bloodshot eyes

What Is The Main Cause Of Rosacea?

five signs of rosacea

The medical fraternity has still not discovered the exact cause of rosacea. However, there are few triggers which may result in the skin condition. These include:

1. Genetics

The skin condition can be hereditary.

2. Issues with blood vessels

The onset of facial redness and flush may occur due to issues with the blood capillaries in your face. Exposure to harsh sunlight may force the blood capillaries to widen-up, which results in enhanced visibility of these capillaries.

3. Mites

Mites are small insects. Demodex folliculorum is a common mite which is normally found in your skin’s surface, and doesn’t cause any harm. However, few individuals may experience sensitivity towards these mites, which causes irritation and redness in their skin.

4. Bacteria

It is a well-known fact that various types and subtypes of bacteria are found in the skin, digestive tract and various other organs. They aid in the physiological functions of the body, and are considered harmless.

H.pylori is a type of bacteria which is found in the human gut. In a few studies, it has been indicated that this bacterial strain may increase the secretion of gastrin, a digestive hormone, which may lead to facial redness and flush.

A few specific and inherent factors may cause rosacea. For example, the likelihood of getting rosacea increases when:

  • You smoke [2]
  • Experience severe acne breakouts
  • Have close family members who already have rosacea
  • Are a woman
  • Are in the age group of 30-50
  • Have blue eyes, straw coloured hair, and light complexion

Several other triggers may lead to the skin condition including:

  • Cosmetic and makeup products
  • Medications which dilate the blood capillaries, including few medications for controlling blood pressure
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Varying emotions
  • Exposure to wind or sunlight
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Consumption of spicy and hot foods and beverages

How Do I Know If I Have Rosacea?

A knowledgeable and certified dermatologist or Ayurvedic doctor may diagnose the skin condition by physically examining your skin’s general appearance, texture and condition.

If you notice any of the symptoms that have been listed above, do visit your doctor, who will determine whether you have rosacea or not.

Important Note:

You must seek immediate medical or Ayurvedic help if you notice any of the signs and symptoms of rosacea, especially symptoms such as continued redness and flushed skin for a long term.

How To Treat Rosacea?

woman with rosacea.before and after

Treatment and management of rosacea concentrates on managing and checking the symptoms associated with the skin condition. In most cases, a personalized skin care routine along with medications is prescribed for the affected individual.

The duration of any treatment relies on the severity and type of symptoms one is experiencing. Please remember that it is common for the skin condition to reoccur.

A. Ayurvedic & Home Remedies

As per the ancient Ayurvedic texts, the onset of rosacea triggers from an imbalance in the pitta dosha. Therefore, the treatment focuses on calming the aggravated pitta dosha and bringing it into balance. As there are no known permanent topical cures, the Ayurvedic approach is to focus on the internal triggers which may lead to the onset of the skin condition. This helps in effectively managing and controlling the symptoms or flare ups.

Virechana Panchakarma, when done regularly, is excellent for managing Rosacea,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix.

In Ayurveda, an individual with an aggravated pitta dosha experiences a high body temperature. Hence, they are recommended to follow a diet consisting of stabilizing, sweet, and soothing foods and strictly advised against consumption of pungent, spicy, sour, and salty foods. A few remedies consist the inclusion of :

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is popularly used in treating and controlling various skin issues such as scarring, aging skin, and hyperpigmentation. Curcumin, an active ingredient found in turmeric, aids in alleviating and minimizing inflammation when applied topically on the affected area, or included in the diet.

How to use: Apply a thick paste of curd and turmeric powder onto the inflamed skin to minimize swelling and redness of the skin.

2. Honey

Infused with anti-microbial properties, and renowned as a natural cleanser, honey is commonly used to manage and prevent the symptoms of rosacea [3]. When applied topically onto the affected area, honey helps in soothing the inflamed, dry skin as well as reduces the spread of acne-causing bacteria.

How to use: Gently massage the inflamed skin with a few drops of pure honey to alleviate the skin condition.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is considered as an excellent treatment for rosacea as it is enriched with antioxidants and polyphenols. These not only minimize swelling and inflammation, but also alleviate redness and flushing of the skin. Additionally, it fights the adverse reactions of UV A and B rays on the skin, helping to prevent inflammation due to sunlight.

How to use: Apply chilled decoction of green tea onto the affected area with cotton balls to minimize inflammation and redness of the skin.

4. Fenugreek

A powerhouse of essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, potassium, folic acid, and Vitamin A, C and K, methi leaves or powder are renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, the beneficial plant helps in preventing the appearance of red patches and pus-filled acne. Methi soothes and calms the inflamed skin as well as prevents irritation and itching.

How to use: Apply a thick paste of rose water and methi powder onto the inflamed skin to get quick relief from itching and dryness.

5. Aloe vera

Freshly extracted gel from aloe vera leaves is an excellent emollient with intense moisturizing effects. Aloe vera is a commonly used topical treatment for this skin condition.

How to use: Use an herbal, pure moisturizer which has aloe vera as an active ingredient. Follow the instructions mentioned in the label before application. You may also keep an aloe vera plant in your house for freshly extracting the gel from the leaves.

Important Note:

You may experience an allergic reaction or sensitivity to aloe vera. Hence, it is important to do a small patch test on your skin before any further use.

6. Burdock

Burdock is easily available as a food, extract or supplement. The fresh extract of a burdock plant is a well-known remedy for rosacea.

How to use: The root of burdock, when consumed as an edible cure, may help in cleansing your liver and preventing skin issues like acne.

7. Chamomile

Similar to aloe vera, chamomile is popular for its rich, moisturizing properties. It is a common ingredient in several skincare products. Chamomile is used as a topical remedy for alleviating inflamed skin.

How to use: The essential oil of chamomile can be applied onto the affected area after diluting it with distilled water. Alternatively, make a decoction using chamomile tea, cool it in the refrigerator, and use it as a compress or facial cleanser.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent emollient which is popularly used in treating various types of inflammatory skin issues. It is well-known for its moisturizing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use: Apply a few drops of pure coconut oil onto the affected area. Additionally, it is an excellent carrier oil for essential oils.

9. Lavender

The topical application of essential oils is known to manage and treat rosacea. One such essential oil is lavender.

How to use: Dilute the essential oil in a suitable carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil, and apply it onto the affected skin.

10. Oatmeal

One of the best and effective treatments for rosacea is oatmeal. It greatly benefits the skin by strengthening it and minimizing loss of water, which may further worsen the existing condition of rosacea. Additionally, oatmeal helps in soothing and alleviating itching.

How to use: Make a thick paste of oatmeal powder and water, and topically apply it onto the affected skin for immediate results.

B. Dos And Don'ts

A few simple yet effective self care tips may help you manage and prevent the symptoms of rosacea. These include:

1. Recognize and avoid triggers:

Focus on what exactly causes your skin to flare-up and flush, and stay away from these triggers.

2. Protect your skin:

Irrespective of the weather and season, apply sunscreen every day. You may use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or above, which successfully fights both UV A and B rays. Apply sunscreen before putting on makeup or topical medicine on your face.

Take several other measures when stepping outside of your home, such as using an umbrella or wearing a scarf or hat.

3. Be gentle with your skin:

Avoid touching or rubbing your skin excessively. Always use a mild, gentle and herbal facial cleanser. Use products that suit the prakriti of your skin. Moisturize your skin frequently. Don’t use skincare products that have alcohol, abrasives or irritants.

4. Minimize visible flush and redness:

You may hide the appearance of redness and flush by using specific makeup products. You may use matte finish, powdered cosmetics.

C. Medical Treatments

In recent times, new and innovative treatments have been introduced to manage rosacea [4]. Your doctor will prescribe certain medications based on your signs and symptoms.

The medications prescribed for rosacea include:

1. Topical Medications To Minimize Redness

A gel or cream is prescribed for topical application in mild to severe cases. These ointments can be directly applied onto the affected area.

Oxymetazoline and Brimonidine alleviate redness by narrowing the blood capillaries. The results may be observed after 12 hours of application. It is a temporary effect on the blood capillaries; hence, regular application of these ointments is prescribed for improved results.

Some other topical agents have comparatively lesser effect in alleviating redness, but help in managing acne in mild cases. These medications include Ivermectin, Metronidazole, and Azelaic acid.

2. Oral Antibiotics

Doxycycline is prescribed in moderate to severe cases of rosacea with pimples and bumps.

3. Oral Acne Medications

In severe cases of rosacea, Isotretinoin is prescribed by physicians when no other treatments can manage the skin condition. The medication helps in clearing up the acne and bumps.

Vedix Tip: Avoid using any oral acne medications during your pregnancy as it may lead to serious birth defects. We strongly advise you to consult a knowledgeable doctor or dermatologist before taking any oral or topical medication.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Rosacea?

As we had discussed earlier, anyone may experience rosacea in their lifetime. You may be at risk of developing the skin condition if you:

  • Have close family members with rosacea
  • Smoke
  • Are in the age group of 30 – 50
  • Have light complexion
  • Have sun damaged skin
  • Are female

How To Diagnose Rosacea?

There are no specific tests known for diagnosing the skin condition. Your dermatologist or Ayurvedic doctor may depend on the physical examination of your skin and history of signs and symptoms.

You may be asked to undergo specific tests to rule out other skin issues like lupus, eczema, or psoriasis. These skin issues have similar symptoms as rosacea.

If the signs and symptoms appear near your eye area, then your doctor may refer an ophthalmologist for further consultation.

How To Prevent Rosacea?

woman using face lotion

You can try and follow several selfcare tips for managing and preventing rosacea on your own. For example, you can first identify the factors that lead to a flare-up, and stay away from those triggers. To keep a track of such events, you may maintain a journal to note any flare-ups.

A few known triggers which you may avoid include:

  • Medications for controlling your blood pressure
  • Intense exercise
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Spicy and hot foods
  • Hot showers and baths
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Exposure to direct sunlight

Follow the preventive tips every day to minimize the redness and flush on your skin:

1. Apply sunscreen daily. Wherever you go outside, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or above. Additionally, you may carry an umbrella, wear a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.

2. Only use mild, gentle and herbal skincare products. Never use creams and cleansers which have fragrance, alcohol, or any other harsh chemical ingredients. Only use a soft, cotton washcloth to gently dry your skin after shower or bathing.

3. Use a moisturizer daily. This will help to hydrate your skin and replenish the water loss.

4. Gently massage your skin in circular motion. Begin from the middle near your nose and work slowly outwards.

5. Take care of your eyes. Use a mild and gentle shampoo or cleanser to gently clean your eyes, if the skin condition has made your eyes irritated and red. Apply a warm compress on the eye area for quick relief.

6. Stick to a soothing and cool diet such as a Mediterranean diet. This greatly benefits those experiencing the skin condition as it minimizes the inflammation.

It is equally important to take care and address your varying emotions along with the skin challenges [5]. If you feel dejected or embarrassed by the red, patchy skin on your face, or if it has started to affect your self-confidence, then speaking with a counsellor or doctor may help you address your fears.

When To See A Doctor For Rosacea?

You need not consult a doctor or dermatologist if you are experiencing a mild case of rosacea. However, there are few signs and symptoms which shouldn’t be overlooked and require immediate medical attention. These are,

  • You have recently started to experience the signs like flush and redness of your skin. The skin condition may sometimes resemble another disease; hence it is imperative to consult a doctor for medical advice.
  • You have started to observe visible blood capillaries (blue, purple, or red lines), acne, or bumps on your face. These signs may indicate that your skin condition is deteriorating. It is important to get medical advice and treatment before the issue gets more challenging.
  • Your signs and symptoms are causing you endless stress and anxiety. Also, if it is causing you social embarrassment, then don’t hesitate to seek medical advice and help.
  • Your eyes are impacted. If you experience red, painful, dry, or itchy eyes, then you must immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment. If left unaddressed, these painful symptoms may cause serious damage to your eyes.
  • Your nose has become red and swollen. This can be indicative of the advanced stage of rosacea, which is also known as rhinophyma. It is a rare condition which is prevalent in men.

The Last Word

If you experience a sudden episode of rosacea, then there are several natural, simple and effective remedies to help you manage and prevent rosacea. However, if the skin condition begins to affect your regular life and causes you severe anxiety, then speak with your doctor for expert advice and treatment plans which you may avail to manage rosacea.

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