Plerandra elegantissima, Schefflera elegantissima, Aralia elegantissima, Dizygotheca elegantissima, False Aralia, Finger Aralia, Threadleaf

Plerandra elegantissima, Schefflera elegantissima, Aralia elegantissima, Dizygotheca elegantissima

False Aralia, Finger Aralia, Threadleaf
Family: Araliaceae
Origin: New Hebrides
Small tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeRegular waterOrnamental foliage

Has a graceful airy appearance with long finger-like leaves which have serrated edges and dark- metallic coloring. When it grows, the leaves get bigger and lose their delicate aspect. It is can still be a beautiful bush in a sheltered corner of the garden. False aralia likes warmer temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees and above. The plant can drop some of its lower leaves if the temperature falls below the 60 degree mark. Place the plant in bright filtered light near a sunny window and/or under artificial light with a minimum of 150 footcandles. When watering this plant, as with many indoor plants, water thoroughly, and then allow approximately one-half of the soil to dry out. Propagation: Air layering, seeds that must be fresh.

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Plerandra elegantissima, Schefflera elegantissima, Aralia elegantissima, Dizygotheca elegantissima, False Aralia, Finger Aralia, Threadleaf
Plerandra elegantissima, Schefflera elegantissima, Aralia elegantissima, Dizygotheca elegantissima, False Aralia, Finger Aralia, Threadleaf

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