Bună dimineața haioase

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two cats playing with each other in front of a wooden dresser and table top, one cat has it's paw on the arm of another cat
a chicken with sunglasses and a life jacket on standing in the water at the beach
a woman standing in front of an open refrigerator with the words buni dimineata
a woman sitting on the ground holding a book and cup
a squirrel that is standing up with its arms in the air and it says, but soft what light through yonder acorn breaks?
three brown bears climbing up the side of a tree with caption in spanish below
two cats that are looking at each other
a stuffed cow with its tongue out in front of a book shelf
an image of cartoon characters with caption in english and spanish on the same page
a man leaning over a table with stacks of cups stacked on top of it and the caption reads, this is what friends looks like
an old lady riding a scooter with the caption'the wheel of time has turned, it is the season of the crone '