Sunset Honey Gourami: Quick Guide To Keeping These Bright Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Sunset Honey Gourami

Are you thinking about introducing a new member into your aquarium and wondering which fish to choose? The beautiful and small freshwater fish, Sunset Honey Gourami, is a perfect choice.

This article explains the overview, vital stats, fun facts, appearance, temperament, and tank setup of Sunset Honey Gouramis.

So, let’s dive right in.

Overview Of Sunset Honey Gourami

The freshwater Honey Gouramis is mostly found in lakes and rivers of India and Bangladesh. They belong to the well-known ‘Gourami’ family This amazing fish is also known as Trichogaster Chuna, Red Honey Gourami, Sunset Honey Gourami, and Red Flame Gourami.

The Honey Gourami has a peaceful and playful temperament. It can adapt well to different water conditions and temperatures. It is a great fish for beginners and can be kept and easily managed in aquariums. 

Important Stats You Should Know About Sunset Honey Gouramis

SizeUp to 3 inches
Dietary GroupOmnivorous
Aquarist Experience LevelBeginner/ Novice Aquarists
Behavior/ CompatibilityTolerates same species and other peaceful small fish
Minimum Tank Size10 Gallons
Life Expectancy4 – 8 years

Fun Facts About Sunset Honey Gouramis

Let’s have a look at some fun facts about Honey Gouramis:

  • It is super easy to feed this wonderful fish.
  • The honey yellow or orange color of this fish is perfect to brighten your aquariums.
  •  Honey Gouramis are the smaller members of the Gourami species.
  • They are slightly shy and not aggressive towards other fish in aquariums. They can be best kept with peaceful fish.
  • The Honey Gourami is found in South Asian regions and prefers slow-moving or stagnant waters. 
  • This amazing little fish can survive low oxygen levels. Also, they can breathe air from the water’s surface.
  • They can easily swim in all water layers but generally prefer to stay in middle and upper water layers.
  • They are generally healthy and less sensitive to diseases as compared to other members of Gouramis.
  • Both male and female Honey Gouramis have different colors and sizes. The females are slightly paler than the males. 
  • The Honey Gourami gets the name because of its light yellow or orange color that looks pretty much like honey. 

Appearance and Color Of Sunset Honey Gourami

Like many other Gouramis, males and females come in different colors. Honey Gouramis are born with a silver-grey to light yellow color. They have a brown stripe that runs across their body.

The females retain this color throughout their lives. They are a little paler and not very colorful. The male Honey Gouramis develop more bright and vibrant colors. They have a beautiful honey-orange color and become more brightly colored during breeding time. 

The Honey Gourami is a small and slim fish and the smallest member of Gouramis. The average size of a Honey Gourami is 2 inches. Females are slightly larger than males. The Honey Gourami can rarely grow up to 3 inches. 

Sunset Honey Gourami Temperament

This tropical fish has a playful and peaceful temperament. They do not fight or create a mess with other tank mates. If you are keeping one or more pairs of Honey Gouramis, they would be much happier and would swim in pairs in the aquarium.

It is no surprise that all Honey Gouramis show the following behavior and temperament:

  • Peaceful

They are easygoing and peaceful and are great community fish. You must ensure that they must be kept with peaceful fish in the aquarium. Otherwise, they may get disturbed and tend to hide behind plants and other objects placed in the aquarium.

  • Playful and friendly

Honey Gourami has a playful and friendly temperament and loves interacting and spending time with other aquarium fish. They feel stressed and bored if they don’t find other peaceful fish to play with.

  • Non-aggressive

Although they have a non-aggressive temperament, the male Honey Gouramis tend to be scrappy and territorial, when yawning.

  • Shy and timid

Honey Gouramis are quite shy. Larger fish can make them afraid and they would hide behind the nearest plants.

Sunset Honey Gouramis Tank Setup

Tank Size

The minimum tank size required for one Honey Gourmet is 10 gallons. If you are keeping a pair, you require a 20 gallons tank. Similarly, if you are adding more Sunset Gouramis or other species, you need to add extra 5 gallons for each fish.

This will give the fish enough space to swim and play in the aquarium. 

Water Parameters

Honey Gouramis are good at adapting to different water parameters. This makes it easier to keep with many other fish species. Their natural habitat has dense vegetation with soft and slightly acidic water.

When keeping a Honey Gourami, maintain a slightly low pH level of your aquarium and choose compatible tank mates. Let’s have a look at the important water parameters for this fish:

  • Temperature: 72°F – 82°F
  • pH level: 6 – 7.5
  • Hardness level: 4 – 15 dGH

Tank Conditions 

Honey Gouramis enjoy aquariums that provide an open swimming space and lots of hiding places. They love to hide between the plants so make sure your tank has lots of plants, including floating plants, in the background.

Honey prefers plenty of vegetation and soft sandy bottoms. Although they are hardy fish, they still need a clean environment and frequent water changes. It is recommended to at least change 25% of aquarium water every week.

Compatible Tank Mates of Sunset Honey Gouramis

The Honey Gouramis are slightly shy and timid. They tend to be disturbed when combined with large, active, and aggressive tank mates. Honey Gourami is happiest and does best when combined with the same species or other peaceful fish. They can be kept in pairs, groups, or even single.

Honey Gouramis love interacting with Glowlight Tetra, Panda Corydoras, Kuhli Loach, Harlequin Rasbora, Cherry Barb, Cory Catfish, other Gouramis. All these fish have a peaceful temperament and are best suited for beginner aquarists. You must avoid keeping your Honey with large and aggressive fish. 

What Health Problems Are Sunset Honey Gouramis Prone To?

Honey Gouramis are hardy species and generally have few health problems. Maintaining high-quality aquarium water, avoiding unnecessary fluctuation in temperature, and providing a high-quality diet can prevent Honey Gourami from potential diseases.

However, like any other fish, there are certain diseases they are prone to. If you own or are planning to buy a Honey Gourami, you need to be aware of its health concerns. Let’s have a look into these diseases:

Velvet Disease

This parasitic infection, also known as Rust or Golden dust disease, is caused by a tiny parasite called ‘Oodinium.’ This parasite penetrates the gills, mouth, and skin of Honey Gourami. The infected fish shows the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Very fine brown or golden spots appear on fins of the fish 

This disease is highly contagious and quite difficult to diagnose. It is generally caused by poor hygienic conditions of aquariums. Any Honey Gourami showing these symptoms should be immediately removed from the aquarium.

Ich Disease 

This parasitic disease, also known as White Spot disease, is a deadly disease caused by a parasite ‘Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis.’  The infected Honey Gourami shows the following symptoms:

  • Tiny white spots or patches on the skin of the fish
  • The skin of the fish looks bumpy
  • Fish scratch or rub against the sides and bottom of the aquarium
  • Advanced symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite, and difficulty in breathing

If diagnosed at an early stage, Ich can be treated by raising the tank’s temperature and medicate for two weeks. Any Honey Gourami showing these symptoms should be immediately removed from the aquarium.

Hexamitiasis Disease

This parasitic infection, also known as Hole in the head, is caused by a parasite ‘Hexamita.’ This is usually caused by overcrowding, bullying, poor water conditions, and insufficiency of oxygen generally lead to Hexamitiasis. The infected Honey Gourami shows the following symptoms:

  • Produce white and stringy feces
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Lesions appear on the head and flanks of the fish (uncommon symptom) 

The infected Honey Gourami can be treated by giving medicated fish food that includes metronidazole for up to 10 days. Along with that, provide a high-quality diet and clean aquarium water to your Honey Gourami.

Feeding Your Sunset Honey Gouramis

Honey Gouramis is an omnivorous fish and should be fed high-quality food. They can eat a variety of food to meet their nutrition requirements. It is also important to ensure that this feed is appropriate for the species so that they stay active, healthy, and full of energy. 

The wild Honey Gouramis typically prey on tiny insects. In the aquarium, they usually enjoy dried products, pallets, or flakes. Give your Sunsets a variety of food and include some protein-rich food in their diet as well.

Overfeeding is not recommended for this fish as it may lead to health issues. You must make a feeding schedule and feed your Honey Gouramis once or twice a day.

Breeding the Sunset Honey Gouramis

Honey Gourami is quite easy to breed and like many other Gauramis, they are egg-layers and build bubble nests. All breeding fish should be given good feed and must be healthy. It is recommended that you may isolate the individual pair for yawning.

Breeding Tank

For breeding of Honey Gouramis, the breeding tank should be 6-8 inches deep and contain around 10 -20 gallons of water. Give your Honey Gouramis dense vegetation and many floating plants for making nests.

There should be a minimum disturbance in the water tank so that the bubble nest can be easily formed and maintained. Maintain all tank conditions and keep the water temperature high and humid before and during breeding process. 

Selecting the Pair

Choose a healthy-looking male and female Honey Gourami for breeding. You must examine their gender closely and they must have clear color distinctions. Once you have carefully selected the pair for breeding, transfer them to the breeding tank.

Breeding Process

When the breeding process starts, the male Honey Gourami starts building the bubble nest. The male may use some live floating plant or a corner of the breeding tank for building the nest. The pair will form a temporary bond for yawning.

Once the nest is complete, the female Honey Gourami will lay her eggs. The male fish will carry all eggs to the bubble nest. It is recommended to remove the female from the breeding tank once she has laid eggs. 

During this time the male becomes quite territorial and protective. The eggs of Honey Gourami hatch after 1 -2 days of being laid. Once the eggs are hatched and fry can swim freely, you can remove the male from the breeding tank as well.

Parting Shot on Sunset Honey Gouramis

Honey Gouramis are the ideal fish for novice aquarists. They are no doubt one of those beautiful little creatures that you just fall in love with at first sight.

It is important to understand that as a Sunset Honey Gourami owner, you are responsible for the care and wellbeing of your fish. You must give your fish a proper feed, a clean environment, and take care of the tank requirements. 

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John Kilmerstone

I love keeping pet fish and receive a lot of joy and peace from watching these colorful creatures. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of pet fish. Discover how to care for and look after pet fish and amplify your satisfaction.

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