Blooming Now

The blooms on this cattleya hybrid have been open for a few weeks now, my first blooming of this one–I had buds on one pseudobulb earlier this year, but they failed to mature–This one is called Slc. Love Castle ‘Kurenai’–Great saturated color, I especially like the dark smudge of orange in the lip–The flowers in this almost miniature hybrid (the psedobulbs and leaves are about about 12 inches) have a light, delicate fragrance and are 3 1/2″ across–

Hovering above begonia leaves are the two flowers of Miltassia Dark Star ‘Darth Vader’–You’ve got to love the name of this guy–The substantial lip on this miltonia/brassia hybrid is almost the same color as the flowers of Slc. Love Castle–I have not detected a scent–These blooms are around three inches, I only got two; he is a shy bloomer for me–