By: Jerry3904


MX Version: MX-19, MX-21

Section: Applications

Tint2 (panel)


tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar made for modern X window managers. It was specifically made for Openbox, but functions well with Fluxbox and Xfce. It is highly configurable and is used to provide a traditional panel for MX-Fluxbox 2.2 and later.

The tint2 panel using a dark theme with a possible setup for MX-Fluxbox


MX-Fluxbox users will have it installed by default. Others may install it from the repos in the usual fashion.


A complete configuration is installed with the app into ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc. Clicking that link launches by default the tint2conf application, while right-clicking it will make it possible to open it with an editor. In the MXFB traditional menu, it can be launched by clicking on the icon to the right of the menu; in the Xfce menu, click on Tint2 Settings).

The two screens of the graphical configuration app for tint2.

The screen on the left concerns themes, while the one on the right presents the properties available for any theme. (If you don’t see the properties screen, click the little gear icon in the top left corner of the theme screen). On the theme screen, the user needs merely to select a theme of interest and click the green check mark at the top to enable it. Changes on the properties screen need to be enabled by clicking “Apply.” Changes can be enabled in a terminal with the command: killall -SIGUSR1 tint2


v: 20201102

MX Linux