Plant Care Luna Croton

Luna Croton

4.2 out of 5 (206 experiences)

Luna Croton has a Survivor plant personality Survivor
Luna Croton has a Large, lush leaves plant personality Large, lush leaves

About Luna Croton

These sparkly specimens are a great choice for anyone looking to light up a room. They require abundant light to maintain their bright colors, and new leaves may loose their sparkle over time in low light so be sure they’re able to soak up the sun! ☀️ All parts of this plant are toxic, so keep them well out of reach of pets and children!


Codiaeum variegatum

Also known as

Gold Dust Croton, Gold Dust Croton, Sun-Spot Croton, Variegated Croton, Bush on Fire Croton, Croton Victoria Gold Bells, croton 'victoria gold bells', Oakleaf Croton, Gold Star Croton and Croton Tamara

How to care for Luna Croton

💦 Water

How often to water your Luna Croton

Water needs for Luna Croton
0.5 cups
every 9

Luna Croton needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.

Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Calculate water needs of Luna Croton

Water 0.5 cups every

Does your plant get direct sunlight?

Select the pot size

☀️ Light

Finding light for Gold Dust Croton in your home

Light needs and placement for plant Luna Croton: 1ft from a window
1ft or less from
a window

Luna Croton love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.

Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.

Luna Croton does not tolerate low-light 🚫.

Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Luna Croton in your home 🏡.

🪴 Nutrients

How to fertilize Luna Croton

Nutrient, fertilizer, and repotting needs for Luna Croton: repot after 2X growth

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.

By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.

To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Luna Croton after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.

Browse #Codiaeum
💡 FAQs
⭐ Difficulty Level

Luna Croton is generally easy to care for, though some plant parents report facing challenges with growing it. Check out the reviews down below to read more about their experiences!

Benefits of Growing Gold Dust Croton →

Common Gold Dust Croton Problems →

💦 Water Needs

Luna Croton prefers for the soil to dry out between waterings and should be watered regularly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Gold Dust Croton Water Frequency →

Gold Dust Croton Root Rot →

☀️ Sunlight Needs

Luna Croton requires abundant, bright and direct light. Place it less than one foot from a window to ensure it receives enough light to survive 💪. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement in your home 🏡.

Gold Dust Croton Light Requirements →

Gold Dust Croton Direct Sunlight Needs & Tolerance →

🐶 🐈 👶 Toxicity

Luna Croton is not safe to consume. If you, a family member, or a pet has ingested any amount of plant material contact Poison Control, US (800) 222-1222, or your veterinarian. If you have children, cats, or dogs in the home, we suggest keeping this plant out of reach.

💨 Humidity

Luna Croton doesn’t require additional humidity. Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil.

Gold Dust Croton Humidity Needs →

🪴 Soil

Luna Croton does best in well-draining soil. A good soil will contain lots of organic matter such as coco coir as well as perlite or vermiculite to help with drainage. Adding a handful of perlite to regular store-bought potting soil should do the trick!

Best Soil Mix for Gold Dust Croton →

When and How to Successfully Repot Gold Dust Croton →

💩 Fertilizer

Luna Croton should be repotted after it doubles in size or once a year, whichever comes first. Fresh potting soil has all the nutrients your plant needs, so as long as it’s refreshed yearly, you shouldn’t need to use fertilizer. Remember, plants get their energy from sunlight, not fertilizer!

❄️ Dormancy

It’s common for Luna Croton to go dormant in the wintertime and you may notice their growth slow down. Waterings should be spaced out more during this time.

🌎 Native Region

Luna Croton is native to Southeast Asia, Northern Australia and the Pacific Islands.

🌸 Flowers

Yes, you may see your Luna Croton bloom with the right amount of sunlight and water.

⬆️ ⬇️ Growth Pattern

Luna Croton grows vertically and new growth will emerge from the top of the plant.

How and When to Prune Gold Dust Croton →

🌦️ Growing Outdoors

USDA Hardiness Zone
Luna Croton can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 11a-12b. Find your local hardiness zone here.

Gold Dust Croton Temperature Tolerance →

🌱 Propagation

Luna Croton can be propagated by the stem method. To propagate:

  • Make a cut just above the node. The node is the break in the stem where the leaf emerges.
  • To get the cutting to root, you can either:
    • Place the cutting in water until roots emerge and are ~2” long and then transplant into well-draining soil, or
    • Place the cutting directly into well-draining soil and water when dry.

🍂 Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves aren’t always a reason to panic, and can be a normal part of a plant’s life cycle. Unless brand new leaves are turning yellow or all the leaves change color at once, it’s likely just your plant shedding old leaves.

Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Luna Croton, since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping. Less often, yellow leaves are caused by underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or pests.

Replace soggy soil with fresh, dry soil and download Greg to make sure your plant never gets overwatered again!

🧐 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting a sad-looking houseplant, start by checking for signs of distress in its leaves, such as yellowing, browning, or drooping, which can indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies.

Inspect the soil moisture; too dry or too wet soil can cause problems.

Ensure the plant is getting the right amount of light, as too much or too little can stress it.

Finally, consider environmental factors like temperature and humidity, and adjust care routines accordingly to revive your plant.

Care Summary for Luna Croton

Luna Croton

Luna Croton

Greg recommends:


0.5 cups every 9 days


< 1ft from a window


Repot after 2x growth

Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say

Luna Croton has a Survivor plant personality Survivor 88
Luna Croton has a Large, lush leaves plant personality Large, lush leaves 88
Luna Croton has a Fast grower plant personality Fast grower 53
Luna Croton has a Browns easily plant personality Browns easily 34
Luna Croton has a Pest magnet plant personality Pest magnet 13
Luna Croton has a Easy to propagate plant personality Easy to propagate 12
Luna Croton has a Blooms easily plant personality Blooms easily 11
@Honeyharbin avatar
leaf-1 21 Plants
xp 4,129 XP

I love the color on these. Mine will dramatically droop letting me know it needs water. Then perks right back up like nothing happened. Always shooting out new growth.

Fast grower Fast grower
Survivor Survivor
@LikelyZebrina avatar
leaf-1 0 Plants
xp 333 XP
globe Warwick, RI

it’s been hard to keep
loses a lot of leaves
seemingly delicate and fights to live
very cute, though!!

Browns easily Browns easily
@FabWinika avatar
leaf-1 14 Plants
xp 2,125 XP
globe Aventura, FL

Does well outside even with height Florida humidity !

Survivor Survivor
@FabWinika avatar
leaf-1 14 Plants
xp 2,125 XP
globe Aventura, FL

Does well outside even with height Florida humidity !

Survivor Survivor
@bluebladeliger avatar
leaf-1 156 Plants
xp 7,603 XP

Extremely hardy. Mine has been through a lot and it’s still hanging on. The gold spots on the leaves are really beautiful.

Survivor Survivor
@lowlight avatar
leaf-1 18 Plants
xp 455 XP
globe Tulare, CA

This thing is such a baby. Overnight after a few days since watering I’ll wake up to the leaves completely drooling down. After a little water it springs back up within a few hours. I love that it’s a low light thriving plant. As long as you catch those droopy leaves in time and leave it in full/partial shade it will be fine

Survivor Survivor
@dylan1stokes avatar
leaf-1 36 Plants
xp 3,495 XP
globe Witham, England

This is my first croton and I got it 2 days ago when I rescued it with some other plants. I can’t wait to help this one grown and see all the amazing leaves it will produce

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Survivor Survivor
@Jaroa avatar
leaf-1 6 Plants
xp 768 XP
globe Glen Allen, VA

Don’t know much about this plant except is cute and small at the moment

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@CosmicMother avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 360 XP
globe Spokane, WA

This plant variety seems to be super sensitive to environment and temperatures.

@Rachel99 avatar
leaf-1 10 Plants
xp 236 XP
globe Middlebury, VT


Browns easily Browns easily
@kmarentette avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 830 XP
globe Boston, MA

She browned and wilted so quickly. I’m still trying to see if revival is possible but with winter coming on soon I’m not very hopeful. She was a beautiful plant when I got her and with a little more research I would love to try again with something similar!

Browns easily Browns easily
@anniembrennan avatar
leaf-1 8 Plants
xp 274 XP

I love this plant but a lot of people hate on crotons. I’ve had mine for just over a year and it has been consistently putting out 3-6 new leaves every couple weeks. Beautiful plant!

Fast grower Fast grower
Easy to propagate Easy to propagate
Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@caleb avatar
leaf-1 10 Plants
xp 4,840 XP
globe Austin, TX

A beautiful plant with lovely variegation, but needs more light than “indirect light” implies.

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Kelly avatar
leaf-1 13 Plants
xp 210 XP
globe Columbus, OH

This a true DIVA! She attracts all the “Bad Boys”; Spider mites, Fungus gnats, but she keeps going.

Pest magnet Pest magnet
Survivor Survivor
Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@RinnyK avatar
leaf-1 24 Plants
xp 1,713 XP
globe Round Hill, VA

This is my husband’s project. He loves houseplants with colors. Crotons are not in my wheelhouse. Somehow we’ve managed to keep Croter happy/ish. The leaves do brown. But we have kept it watered, fertilized twice with liquid fertilizer and just let this guy be. Beautiful foliage, all the colors of fall… fingers crossed on its survival through winter.

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Survivor Survivor
Browns easily Browns easily
@B_SMOOTH25 avatar
leaf-1 9 Plants
xp 857 XP

I got this plant about 2 weeks ago. It seems to like direct & indirect sun. Keep the soil moist. Spray the leaves for humidity and you’ll be good

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
@mama_nature avatar
leaf-1 1 Plants
xp 158 XP

Beautiful and full of colour! Our croton flowered slightly earlier than the average which was really cool. Opens up so much in direct sun too.
But try not to get any of the sap on your hands or pets, can be very nasty!

Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Blooms easily Blooms easily
Survivor Survivor
@JardindeKat avatar
leaf-1 5 Plants
xp 66 XP
globe Ludlow, England

Gets on with it and hasn’t died on me!

Fast grower Fast grower
Large, lush leaves Large, lush leaves
Survivor Survivor
@thecre8ivgemini avatar
leaf-1 31 Plants
xp 512 XP
globe Richmond, VA

This baby just died so quickly on me. It got root rot SO easily and so quickly there was no saving it. What’s left of it is in water trying to grow stronger roots, but it is just a white stick with no leaves. One of the most concerning plant deaths as I just don’t know how I went wrong! Be wary and experienced with this one!

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