Rosemary is a natural pharmacy


Rosemary is such a useful plant that its effects are countless.

           Rosemary is very useful in rheumatism due to its strong anti-inflammatory effect. As it increases the body’s immune system, you should drink rosemary tea once or twice a week. It has a strong sedative effect; it is especially useful for those who have difficulty falling asleep at night, nervous tension and stress. It deepens hair roots, removes dandruff, thus preventing hair loss. After washing your hair, infuse 1-2 tablespoons of rosemary (depending on the length of your hair) in 1-2 cups of water and rinse it with this water.

           In case of skin rashes, itching and diathesis, soak those areas with rosemary infusion. In case of headache, massage your neck, scalp and back of your ears with this infusion.

           Rosemary has been used in folk medicine for 15 centuries. It has been proven that people who drink rosemary tea every 2-3 days do not have multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. It is useful for those who want to lose weight, as rosemary, unlike other weight loss products, has no laxative effect, only weakens the appetite.

           Rosemary can be grown and harvested in backyards and pots. The aroma of rosemary is very beautiful and it is an evergreen plant. The plant is widely grown in the botanical garden in Mardakan.[2]

           Collect fresh rosemary, dry it in the shade, pour olive oil on it, cover it tight and keep it in a warm room for 10 days. Or pour the herbs into a jar with a lid, pour unrefined olive oil on top until the container is full, and keep it in the oven at 50 degrees for 4-5 hours. Your rosemary oil is ready. The oil extract is used for massage in myositis, rheumatism, joint pain due to its analgesic effect. This oil also cures rashes, pimples and acne. It eliminates bad breath when rinsing with infusion or chewing fresh leaves. If Helicobacter pylori bacteria are found in gastrointestinal ulcers, drinking rosemary tea is very useful in its treatment. Rosemary tea is a mild laxative, increases bowel movements, thereby giving a positive result in flatulence and constipation.

           Some patients complain of prolonged stay of food in the stomach and indigestion. In this case, mix some rosemary and some sweet flag root together and infuse and drink it in the form of tea. In case of kidney pain, colds and edema, drinking this tea 3 times a day has a diuretic effect.

           It is not recommended to drink during pregnancy and lactation.