Summer or winter, it doesn’t matter Squat your ass of!!

Yes that is my new wake up line… Squat my ass off, and it really works.

You know they say there comes a them that youre body doesnt stay the way you want, but in my 25 years my ass was really nice because i ride my horses every they. But then there was a ugly day that i looked in the mirrow and thought YEAYKS were is my big butt. hahah

So i looked online what to do next, and i found my answer Squat challange 30 days, okaai there will be a lot of blogs that write about it. But it is really great. On youtube you will find video’s so you can make youre on ritual exercises. Things you want to work on, The inside of my thighs and around my buttock area may be tighter, I also want additional train my abs. It does not even take much time but it works. Every day 15 minutes and you’re done!

At first i did the 30 days squat challenge and now  i do everyday 80 squats with weights that you train your muscles. In addition, three different abdominal exercises. And three types of exercises where your legs are tighter. I will indicate below the youtube link so that you can get some inspiration out of here.

Youtube Channel:

  • XHIT Daily
  • Womensworkoutchannel
If you have any tips for me, Let me know about it = D