It’s not a common subject of polite conversation but talking about poop (faeces/stool/poo) can be really interesting! Most people keep their bowel habits to themselves and that’s okay. Just be sure to read this article and learn more about your own solid waste.

Here are the 5 most interesting things about your poop:

  • They are authentic balls of bacteria, some still alive, others already dead, mixed with water and other solid materials such as the cellulose of vegetables;
  • The perfect poop does not float, as this is a sign of excess gas, the presence of high fat content and lack of nutrient absorption;
  • The ideal position for bowel movement is squatting. Sitting with your knees higher than your hips while sitting on a western toilet (use a foot stool or other flat, stable object if necessary);
  • If your stools are brown, that’s a good sign! Poop gains color under the influence of bile, produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Although bile is green in its original color, after passing through the intestinal tract, it turns brown, thus giving color to the stool.
  • Fiber is the stool’s best friend. In addition to helping in its consistency, they stimulate the normal functioning of the intestine.

Don’t ignore your poop! They are a product of the normal functioning of the human body and give important signs of your health.

Any abnormal sign deserves your attention. Seek medical advice if you have a regular change of your bowel habit (passing diarrhoea frequently or becoming very constipated), see signs of any blood (fresh or dark, digested, blood), or see any mucus.

Simple tests can be carried out to check for microscopic signs of blood or inflammation in the stool, or blood tests to check for other bowel abnormalities. If necessary our doctors can refer you for a colonoscopy if further investigations are desirable.

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