My Sleeping Position Determined I’m a Psycho.

I’m about to head to sleep, but like any other human on the planet that means I’m going to sit on my computer until my mind shuts off (it won’t). So just now I stumbled upon a study that claims that your sleeping position can determine your personality. Here’s what they have to say:


All I want to know is: what can you tell me about my personality if I sleep like Emily Rose while she’s possessed by the devil? Am I Nero?


(Emily Rose)


(I took this picture a few days ago when I realized that while trying to take a nap I curl up really weird)


About Sam

I am not afraid of heights or fire. That's good, because I've been known to play with those. I am a reader and a writer. I'm a runner. I am a performer. My mind is a total mess. I live in Taiwan. I think inappropriate tattoos are funny. I'm pretty flexible. I am probably going to end up injured again. I want to experience everything and leave a mark while I'm there. I love Batman, The Beatles, pirates and GIR. And other things. View all posts by Sam

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