Why Loneliness Can Be Contagious

Vetta Collection

When one person in a group begins to feel lonely, the negative emotion can spread to others, increasing everybody’s risk for feelings of loneliness, a new study shows.

In a 10-year study of 5,100 people and their social contacts, researchers tracked feelings of loneliness over time by asking participants how many days a week they felt lonely. What they discovered was that loneliness could be contagious and followed a distinct path as it spread through social networks.

Over time, each additional day of loneliness per week that people experience leads to a little more than one extra day of loneliness per month among those in their social network, according to the article, “ Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness in a Large Social Network,” published in the December issue of The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago; the University of California, San Diego; and Harvard University.

The average person experiences loneliness about 48 days a year, but having a lonely friend can add 17 days of loneliness annually. By comparison, every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about 5 percent, which translates to about two and a half fewer lonely days a year, the study showed.

The idea that loneliness can be contagious is counterintuitive because we tend to believe that, by definition, lonely people keep to themselves. But the study focused on subjective feelings of loneliness, rather than people who were already socially isolated. The research showed that when feelings of loneliness began to emerge, those feelings were transmitted to others before the person began to sever ties and move away from a social network.

“People can feel lonely even when they’re surrounded by other people,” said Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, a physician and social scientist at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the book “ Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives.” “The traditional perspective on human emotion is that emotions are an individual experience. But we don’t just have these emotions, we show them. Other people can read them, copy them and internalize them.”

Dr. Christakis said that much like pulling a single thread could unravel a sweater, a lonely person could destabilize an entire social network, spreading loneliness to others before moving to the periphery of the group.

“If you’re lonely, you transmit loneliness, and then you cut the tie or the other person cuts the tie,” he said. “But now that person has been affected, and they proceed to behave the same way. There is this cascade of loneliness that causes a disintegration of the social network.”

The lesson, Dr. Christakis said, is that it is in everyone’s self-interest to pay attention to those on the fringe of a group.

“When we pay attention to the experiences of those at the periphery, when we make an effort to prevent this sad experience of loneliness, then we can stabilize the whole social network by preventing this kind of unraveling,” he said. “We all benefit when we attend to the needs of those at the margins.”

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I don’t really get this – people are made lonelier by their friends’ loneliness? Isn’t having friends in the first place the OPPOSITE of loneliness? They must not be very good friends if you feel lonely even while with them…….Friends can’t be your everything, but if you feel alone even though you have them, there is problem….How are we defining friends? If it’s those 2-dimensional “friends” on Facebook, then ok., I can get how that’s not satisfying…but if you are having a one-on-one get together with someone with whom you share common interests and you still feel alone, then something is wrong, no?

Guess what? Happiness is contagious, anger is contagious, laughter is contagious, sadness is contagious, optimism and pessimism are contagious, even H1N1 is contagious. I’m gonna apply for a grant for 100 billion dollars to scientifically measure how contagious everything is, then retire to Florida and drink Pina Coladas every day.

I am fine, thank you. I would love it if you would be good enough to leave me alone.

Guess what? Drinking Pina Coladas in Florida (anywhere for that matter) is contagious- and lonely too.

I am lonely about 300 days a year. Probably because I don’t have any friends. Loneliness perpetuates itself in a downward spiral. I can definitely see, then, how it can be contagious. Isolation begets isolation.

Friends are great, when you have them, and family is great too when you have them–However, a personal relationship with God is far better.

Janice Badger Nelson RN December 1, 2009 · 12:48 pm

I do not buy this. I think that it is not loneliness that people feel, but isolation. The isolation is caused by many factors, one being the inability to articulate their feelings. Another isolating condition is medication. Many people have very flat affects when on certain anti-depressants.

I do think that morose people can bring a group down. I do think that is contagious. That is why I avoid them like the plague.

I also think that people need to start understanding the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. Changing the way we view things can have a huge impact on our feelings of isolation.

People could also start to realize there is really no such thing as “normal”. We all have our little odd peculiarites. Instead of dwelling on them and feeling “different” from the crowd (and therefore isolated) it may be wise to understand that we are all in the same boat. Life is indeed messy.

Real connections with people require you to put yourself out there. Too many of us hold back. No wonder we feel lonely. We isolate ourselves.

Loneliness is the human condition. No matter how many friends and lovers you are surrounded with, you come into this world alone and you go out alone.

In a way, all our social networks we build are illusory attempts to stave off the consciousness of our essential aloneness. As a great philosopher once said, “Consciousness is a wound.”

Umm, are we saying that friends choose to ignore somebody in the group or person’s in the group?

Because then that isn’t really choosing to be lonely, that’s cutting individuals for possible reasons other than lonliness.

@Poster #1 – What happens if the very good friend makes ever attempt at increasing the “lonlier” person’s happiness but that person continues to withdraw or stay introverted? Is that “good friend” now not a very good friend because they were not successful? Alot of this “lonliness” is subject to much interpretation. Perhaps the real problem lies within the individual and not with others.

I like this article. It made sense to me and I learned something.

Pop psychology is dangerous because it really is meaningless, like this article. It appears to be somewhat (though not very) analytical. But really nothing at all is said here and the nothing is couched in meaningless statistical chatter about percentages etc. The only meaningful thing that can be said about loneliness is that it is a negative emotion, cured by reaching out. No one can cure another of it. I has to come from inside. Best to be honest about one’s lonely thoughts and not blame or shame or pretend. Just reach out and stop being selfish — yes loneliness too is a selfish, self-absorbed act.

Loneliness—The very best company in the world.

Loneliness is not the same thing as being alone. It’s more a feeling of isolation that can be intensified in a group. I’ve felt this way quite frequently throughout my life. It’s related to feeling misunderstood. You can be talking to another person, even a friend, and you suddenly realize that your friend doesn’t get what you’re saying, and you kind of withdraw inwardly because you realize that you’re alone in thinking or feeling the way you do. My guess is that the other person senses your internal withdrawal and then feels similarly misunderstood and isolated, although this may be happening on a somewhat less conscious level.

I would think some of the difficulty in pinning this down is due to varying definitions of “loneliness” … some people use the term to describe any period of time they have to spend alone, whereas others may rarely experience such times as “lonely.”

To poster #1: You can have good friends and still feel lonely, and that doesn’t mean they are not good friends. Different people have different reasons for feeling lonely. Maybe the friends aren’t coming emotionally close to me in the way that I need, even though they try and think they are. Maybe I need more than a friend. Maybe I need romantic support, maybe I need my family who are far away, and friends can’t fill that gap. There are so many reasons to feel lonely among good friends! Don’t be so shallow in your interpretation.

Maybe lonely people don’t make others feel lonelier. Maybe the friends of lonely people were lonely to begin with but didn’t fully realize it until they had someone else with whom they could identify who was willing to say publicly “Hey I’m lonely.”

I find this to be true in my own experiences in the cancer community. There are so many social networking groups, organizations that have happy hours, races, walks, and support groups. And everyone is doing their part to feel woven into this very welcoming and tight knit community. But I write and talk about the loneliness and isolation that can also sometimes be a part of cancer. My inbox is stuffed with emails from other patients who are so glad that I admit publicly that sometimes I feel lonely in the face of this disease. Is my loneliness contagious? I don’t think so. I think I am just providing a place where it is kosher for other cancer patients to say, “Yes, me too.”


Mark Willenbring, MD December 1, 2009 · 1:16 pm

Before we spend too much time trying to interpret this paper, it’s important to keep in mind the way these findings are generated. A group of people are studied multiple times over a period lasting a few years to decades. During these times, they are asked various questions about their social contacts (whom do they consider a friend, for example, and how many friends do they have.) The study was not designed to actually test the hypothesis that loneliness spreads through social contagion. To compensate for that deficiency, extremely complex statistical analyses are used to attempt to control for various types of bias. However, these analyses are subject to many types of bias themselves and are also influence by choices made by the statisticians. Also, researchers don’t know if there are important factors that were not measured but that may be the true determinants of the findings. Although I am convinced that social variables and networks are more important to health than is commonly appreciated, I am skeptical of the reported findings (caveat: the paper is not yet available on the journal website.) And there are many skeptics within the scientific community. For example, Cohen-Cole and Fletcher (BMJ 2008;337:a2533) conducted similar analyses and were able to generate results suggesting that acne, headaches and height were socially contagious. The idea that loneliness is socially contagious may be equally spurious.

Hey, this is December 1st., not Apri 1st. Nonsesne article.

I understand why someone could be with a group of friends and still be lonely. Perhaps they’re all laughing and talking about something that you can’t relate to… something that is meaningless and trivial, and you’re interested in deep, spiritual connection. You feel alienated and isolated…. and lonely, even when you’re with a group of friends. This has happened to me on several occasions. Perhaps I need to find more suitable friends!

So, “one” isn’t the loneliest number we’ll ever know.

I agree with Mark. But would venture to add that we were ALL made for relationship and the first and most important one we need to cultivate is with our CREATOR. ~ please dont knock it until you’ve tried it.

This is why I strive to avoid lonely people like the plague! Keep your contagion away from me!

“Introverted” does not mean lonely. People who are introverted by nature often prefer being by themselves much of the time.

I believe the study’s finding. Emotions are contagious.

Great article, as it points to an interesting research paper. But the comments (which seem par for the course for internet discussion boards in general) indicate that inanity, too, is contagious.