Maximum size : 5.5 cm

Three Line Corydoras - Corydoras Trilineatus Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The eloquent Three Line Corydoras (Corydoras Trilineatus) is often mistaken for the Corydoras julii due to their similar appearance. However, the Corydoras julii is distinguished by its black dots scattered across the head, while the Leopard Corys have these dots arranged in a group. Both species have similar care requirements in an aquarium setting. This small, peaceful freshwater catfish has become a popular addition to community aquariums due to its charming appearance and amiable personality.

Hardy and easy to care for, the Three Line Corydoras can be somewhat timid, making it best to keep them in groups of at least six individuals or more, as they are naturally a shoaling species. The presence of more fish creates a more comfortable environment and encourages natural behaviour. Leopard Corydoras can coexist with a variety of tankmates, including Rasboras, smaller Barbs, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids, Angelfish, and Tetras. However, caution should be exercised when housing them with other bottom-dwelling species like Rainbow Sharks, which may become territorial and cause stress.

The Three Line Corydoras boasts a stunning appearance with overlaying scales, known as plates or scutes. A silver body covered in numerous linked black dots along each side of the body and a series of black dots on the caudal and dorsal fin tip make this species a sight to behold. The dorsal, pectoral, and adipose fins of Corydoras species have spiked fin rays that create a barrier, making them challenging to swallow predators. This adaptation makes Leopard Corydoras a challenging prey item and contributes to their survival in the wild.

Three Line Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Discerning the sexual characteristics of the Three Line Corydoras is a relatively uncomplicated task when viewed from an overhead perspective. Females can be identified by their broader and rounder body shape, which is typically larger than their male counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Trilineatus
Year Described1872
Other NamesFalse Julii Corydoras, Three-line Catfish, Three stripe Corydoras, Leopard Catfish
OriginsPeru , Brazil , Colombia , Suriname
Max Size5.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asTrios
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 25
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Three Line Corydoras can be found in the Suriname River and the central Amazon River Basin. This fascinating species is native to several South American countries, including Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and the Peruvian Amazon. In their natural habitat, you'll find these stunning Corys residing in small rivers, pools, creeks, and ponds nestled within the flooded forest areas.

They thrive in soft to moderately hard acidic waters, making them perfectly adapted to their environment. So, if you're a nature enthusiast looking for an unforgettable underwater experience, keep your eyes peeled for the charming and charismatic Leopard Corydoras in their natural habitat!

 Suriname River - Suriname
Suriname Flag


Breeding Three Line Corydoras is relatively easy, although it is recommended to use a separate breeding tank to allow for the hatch and growth of fry. The breeding tank should be heavily planted, or a spawning mop can be used with sand or smooth gravel substrate or a bare bottom tank. Additionally, the water should be slightly acidic to neutral and soft.

To achieve optimal breeding results, it is best to have a higher ratio of males to females, with two males for every female being recommended. Conditioning the breeding group with live and frozen foods will encourage spawning. When the females are full of eggs, a massive water change with cooler water should be performed, with increased flow and oxygenation. This process should be repeated daily until the Corys spawn.

During breeding, males will chase females and increase activity. When a male is acquired, the female will position her head against the male's midsection, and the male will clasp the female's barbels with his pectoral fin. The female forms a basket with her pelvic fins, capable of holding up to four eggs. It is believed that milt passes through the female's gills to fertilize the eggs. Once fertilized, the female will find a suitable surface to attach the sticky eggs, and this will continue until all the eggs have been laid.

The parents will not care for or protect the eggs after they have been laid. The eggs will usually hatch two to three days later, and micro-worms, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, or baby brine shrimp should be fed to the fry. With proper care, Leopard Corydoras breeding can be a rewarding experience for hobbyists.

Diet & Feeding

In a home aquarium, the Three Line Corydoras will accept the most high-quality dried foods, such as granules, flakes, and sinking pellets, which have been specifically designed to provide essential nutrition for maintaining the fish's overall health and dietary requirements. Supplementing the fish's diet with live, frozen, and freeze-dried meals, such as bloodworm, daphnia, and tubifex, once or twice a week can provide additional health benefits. However, this is not essential for the fish's well-being. 

It is important to note that bloodworms should only be given as an occasional treat and not used as the staple diet as they are challenging for fish to digest and can potentially cause blockages. As an omnivore in the wild, the Leopard Corydoras consumes some vegetable matter. While most modern fish foods include these in their products, supplementing your fish's diet with blanched vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and zucchini, can provide additional nutrition. Care should be taken not to overfeed the fish, and any uneaten food should be promptly removed from the aquarium to maintain optimal water quality.


Leopard Corydora/Three stripe Corydora - Corydoras trilineatus Freshwater Aquarium Catfish Profile Thumbnail

Other Corydoras

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