Trigram model calculations

Recall that P(w1,n) = P(w1) P(w2|w1) P(w3|w1,2) ... P(wn|w1,n-1). Now assume that the probability of each word's occurrence is affected only by the two previous words i.e.
(1)    P(w1,n) = P(wn|wn-2,wn-1)

Since the first word has no preceding words, and since the second word has only one preceding word, we have:

(2)    P(w1,n) = P(w1) P(w2|w1) P(w3|w1,2) P(w4|w2,3) ... P(wn|wn-2,n-1)

For simplicity, suppose there are two "empty" words w0 and w-1 at the beginning of every string. Then every term in (2) will be of the same form, referring to exactly two preceding words:

(3)    P(w1,n) = P(w1|w-1,0) P(w2|w0,1) P(w3|w1,2) ... P(wn|wn-2,n-1)


(4)     P(w1,n) = Pi=1,n (wi|wi-2,wi-1)

We estimate the trigram probabilities based on counts from text. E.g.

(5)    Pe(w1|wi-2,i-1) =       C(wi-2,i)  / C(wi-2,i-1)

For example, to estimate the probability that "some" appears after "to create":

(6)    Pe(some|to create) =  C(to create some)/C(to create)

From BNC, C(to create some) = 1; C(to create) = 122, therefore Pe(some|to create) = 1/122 = 0.0082

Probability of a string


     76 LAST NIGHT I        P = 76/5915653 =

cat triplet_counts | grep "NIGHT I DREAMT" 

     22 NIGHT I WAS

    439 I WAS GON

    726 WAS GON NA

   1249 GON NA BE

    155 NA BE A

    203 BE A BIT

   1301 A BIT OF

    429 BIT OF A

    108 OF A SUDDEN

     11 A SUDDEN HE


Missing counts/back-off

A problem with equation (4) is that if any trigrams needed for the estimation are absent from the corpus, the probability estimate Pe for that term will be 0, making the probability estimate for the whole string 0. Recall that a probability of 0 = "impossible" (in a grammatical context, "ill­ formed"), whereas we wish to class such events as "rare" or "novel", not entirely ill formed.

In such cases, it would be better to widen the net and include bigram and unigram probabilities in such cases, even though they are not such good estimators as trigrams. I.e. instead of (4) we use:

(7)    P(wn|wn-2,n-1) =    λ1 Pe(wn)    (unigram probability)
                                   + λ2 Pe(wn|wn-1)    (bigram probability)
                                    + λ3 Pe(wn-2,n-1)    (trigram probability)

where λ1, λ2 and λ3 are weights. They must add up to 1 (certainty), but assuming that trigrams give a better estimate of probability than bigrams, and bigrams than unigrams, we want λ1 < λ2 < λ3, e.g. λ1 = 0.1, λ2 = 0.3 and λ3 = 0.6.

Are these the best numbers?

Given fig. 7.9, how might a "b" occur after seeing "ab"?

1) state sequence ab, λ1, bb    P = λ1 P(b)
2) state sequence ab, λ2, bb    P = λ2 P(b|b)
3) state sequence ab, λ3, bb    P = λ3 P(b|ab)

Any of these routes through the graph would be possible. We do not know which route might be taken on an actual example. We do not know, for instance, whether we have an estimate of the trigram probability P(b|ab) in the training corpus - sometimes we do, sometimes we do not. We want to be able to compute the best i.e. most probable path, without necessarily knowing which arcs are traversed in each particular case. It is because the sequence of arcs traversed are not necessarily seen that these models are called hidden.