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Madrid train attacks

On 11 March 2004, a series of bombs exploded within minutes of each other on four commuter trains in the Spanish capital Madrid.

The blasts killed 191 people and wounded 1,841. It was the worst terror attack in Europe since the Lockerbie bombing in 1988.

Seven of the key suspects - including the alleged mastermind, Tunisian Serhane ben Abdelmajid Fakhet - died in an explosion at a Madrid flat in April 2004 as police were closing in on them. A policeman also died.

Twenty one people, mostly Moroccans, were convicted of involvement in the attacks. Three of the key defendants received maximum jail sentences.

Madrid attacks 11 March 2004

Top: Damaged train at Atocha; right: injured passenger; middle: candle tributes and protests against terrorism; left: bodies recovered from trains


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